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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Even the dems know jailing Trump right now would cross a red line.
  2. A better question might be do aircraft carriers remain relevant? I know that all simulations have China sinking our entire fleet with hyper-sonic missiles if we come anywhere close (think 1,000 miles here) to their shores. We could ask the same question of the US military about battlefield readiness. NATO had better wake up because the USA military is in sharp decline. This combined with technological advancements that change the nature if how war will be conducted is concerning. The days of depending on the USA having your back are coming to an end. Our military is in decline, we can't afford to really make a war and our leadership is wonky at best. Nobody in their right mind is joining the forces these days either. This really makes NATO have a much diminished capacity.
  3. It would be nice if those that are disruptive and can't adhere to the rules of this sub-forum could get vacations just from this section. So if you make two violations you are warned and one the third you get a month off of this area. There aren't many posters here and if the violations i have seen 80% are from two or three people. For this thread it would be nice if people would name their choice and reasons and move on. There is no need to argue about who other people pick this is about who you would pick. I currently am not thrilled by any politician.
  4. Hunter has every right to appeal. That said they can take into account the lack of remorse and acceptance of his responsibility for his crimes should that not work out.
  5. Whether or not it costs Biden the election is anybodies guess. I think it will be a factor in the election should Biden get defeated it will be considered historically one the of biggest blunders in American history.
  6. Candidates that are insane like Bowman and actively support terrorism shouldn't be surprised when successful people with money don't find it warm and fuzzy and fund their opponents. Money in politics is a funny thing. It easnt long ago Biden was gloating about how much he had and how he was the man for out raising his opponent. Now that the shoe is on the other foot money in politics is evil.
  7. Based upon longevity and body of work it has to be Biden. He has been at it long before i was born.
  8. It's nice to see the first member of the squad go. Hopefully this is a sign that you can't be a complete psychopath and hope to win. I watched him on TV the other day and he was just embarrassingly bad.
  9. My guess is Burgum or Tim Scott. Scott is in the senate so they must be thinking of how strong their bench is there to replace him.
  10. It has been well known for quite sometime that Biden doesn't have the authority to forgive or transfer student loans. His brain was trying to write checks his ass couldn't cash. He should keep his executive orders limited to areas he does have such powers like securing the border. This thread really has brought the inner hypocrites out in force. They should get them government out of the loan business and bring back being able to go bankrupt on student loans. Tuitions are so high because the government backs anything. Let colleges make the loans and if they sold you snake oil take the risk that if you dont end up earning money you will go bankrupt. It doesn't matter if you agree with forgiving student debt or not, this was never going to happen this way. Nice try on an election year though. He will simply n have to find a legal way to try to get young people to stop hating him.
  11. It's funny how once when somebody from Columbia university was mentioned I would think of it as a good thing. Now my only take away from this article is Dylan Davis must be some sort of nutcase if they remain employed there. Sort of sad really.
  12. Funny you should say that. It turns out that thousands of people get emotional when a single illegal kills a mother of five i; that community.
  13. Lol is that what they are doing now? lol Go sell that to Mayor Adams.
  14. It is utter incompetence. However you would be even dumber to give details of the exploit publicly.
  15. I am going to ask a stupid question, but how many times does an average woman have an abortion during her lifetime?
  16. Since the Industrial Revolution, and the higher temps associated with it occurred , humans have become more prosperous then ever. For every bad thing there is also a good result. A lot of what is happening now is stupidness people deforesting the hillsides, or a river bank. That leads to local climate change of micro- climates. But generally speaking noth8ng any one person does is going to effect it one way or another. Try not to cut your trees down or have powerlines that spark violently in the Californian winds.
  17. It does make you wonder when the feds will step in and begin to use hate crimes, just like the south when they had to step in to save blacks because local officials were too corrupt to enforce the laws.
  18. You really need to seek help. You live in some sort of bizarre fantasy world.
  19. The same could be said of the GOP convention in Milwaukee. Whats your point?
  20. i didn't even notice that part. lol did Austin Powers show up?
  21. Okay we have reached the furthest extent of your intellect. I understand it now this is how it always goes.
  22. I don't have to report my Roth in the USA so I am not sure why any other country would know about it. I put my dividend stocks in it to avoid realized ga8ns as ordinary income. I have been a long term investor in tech and chips and having a few hundred (shares of NVDA thousands after the split) in your roth is a good idea in case you hit a homerun.. The way i manage fkucruTiins and emergencies is to always add to my Roth and have a margin account at a brokerage to invest and use leverage should something go bad, you can basically be 100% invested that way. You get a tax free egg, a savings account that yields 5% or so, and a revolving credit facility based upon secured loans that is around 6.8% and that can be tax deductible. i use the margin account to front load the Roth a year ahead of time which is allowed. Then i pay it down as the loan is flexible and not a monthly requirement. Don't get ne woing i dint do that all the time but the tax free money in the back and a fairly low interst source of revolving credit is a powerful combination
  23. I agree stealth camping out of a serial killer mobiles isnt what the cool kids are doing n these days. It has become much harder just to "park" somewhere.
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