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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. one problem is that only a very few posters are going to interact with mental masturbation at this level. People give cheap options based upon your budget. You call them presumptuous morons. Although if anybody has put themselves online over the course of three decades it is you. It isn't a guess it is based upon your online footprint. then when it doesn't fit your needs you get dismissive. So next time make a thread based upon your needs.
  2. I guess that's how it is. I wish you well.
  3. You need to find a point in your life that doesn't involve me or Trump. As much as I am thrilled by having yet another new stalker.
  4. I started posting again deal with it. Are you sharing private messages in the open forum?
  5. I am not MAGa, I didn't vote for Trump either time.
  6. I might have to borrow a teleprompter so you could make some sort of inference. I am saying genocide Joe can't do basic things without one.
  7. I get what you are saying but that is simply pathetic.
  8. meanwhile back in the USA they celebrate from the river to the sea. Actually though people mourning Trump would chant USA USA. It would be the people that show up to Genocide Joes coffin that would chant death to America.
  9. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202405215282 There are many more take your pick.
  10. This is because it isn't the people deciding who gets to run these days. A primary should be mandatory on both sides.
  11. My guess is death to America protests.
  12. i In all fairness one million barrels is about as significant as the time I took a leak in the pool at the Oriental.
  13. a lot of people are fatigued with a $75 bag of groceries costing more than a $100 and hauling it home on the bus because a $12 Uber ride is now $20. That's what this is going to all come down to.
  14. it's off topic but I wonder what happens when Trump dies. Do they venerate him and lay him in state at the capitol?
  15. They certainly can be defeated. It's a matter of how far you are willing to go.
  16. RFK should be allowed to debate. Only individual candidates benefit from not allowing him to do so. If you aren't partisan you want all parties invlolved. But we aren't even having a real election at this point the president is seemingly being installed by these tactics.
  17. To a large extent this isn't of Trump's making. The media attention brought h8m into power and the constant attention and court cases may well bring him back. To that degree it isn't Trump's fault that he lives in their heads 24/7. You want to talk fatigue? Look at Biden.
  18. Makes sense I definitely wasn't searching specifically for low income places. I look for nice places for as low as possible.
  19. he showed up to do the commencement speech at a HBCU and basically told the black graduates that Americ@ doesn't love them. Maybe I am missing the mark but I am failing to find the charm in that. He is angry all the time.
  20. i agree hat should be done for all federal employees, whether elected, appointed, or hired , regardless of age.
  21. Anybody with a small amount of experience around people on drugs knows how to identify the symptoms. Look at Biden when he is normal. The eyes are barely open. I have lived in southern Laos around backpackers long enough to know what the look in the eyes is. A wonderful way to settle it would be for both candidates to be tested. What's there to be scared of? Why shouldn't the candidate for the president be tested as are any other potential employee of the federal government? I can't run a forklift without being tested,
  22. Anybody that knows the symptoms of drug use can see Joe was on someth8ng. It's in the eyes. When he isn't jacked up his left eye is almost closed. When he is that ramped up and you look at the condition of his eyes he would be arrested for driving a car.
  23. The problem with this is your narrative is to thank god for immigrants. After that you admit you have no idea who did the work, or if any immigrants ts were actually involved. so it leads the reader to forget whether or not these immigrants actually did the job that is implied and makes it seems like they saved your neighborhood from a tornado. That is border line delusional, pardon the pun. irs like some people are happy for people to be exploited if the result is desirable for their own personal situation. I would hope most of the responders are Americans who you may mistake for (illegal) immigrants. I would hope that they hire certified linemen to remove debris and restore power.
  24. The only problem with that is your rent in an okay area of Pittsburgh is likely to be $1,800 now. I looked to rent about 5 years ago and for a one bedroom outside of the center was $1,200 at the time. you would be looking at a studio for $1,200 you would have to negotiate utilities these days. Places like Atlanta are becoming top tier cities while places like Philadelphia and NYC are becoming closer to places that are suboptimal at best. If you like Philly, Baltimore is similar. That's sort of sad to say. i think Athens is your best bet for a small place on a bus line.
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