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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. I have an RV and considered roaming about. Though with the gas and fees i am not certain you would have much left. You have to pay for dumping, water and anything you touch. In the south you are looking at $50-$75 a night campground fees for somewhere warm. Yeah you could boondocking but i just don't see hanging out on BLM land for months at a time. I would buy a piece of cheap land down south and maybe park the trailer. There are a lot of variables so you can just add the ones that apply to you personally. That is sort of the point.its your life and your money so what you would do is the only variable that matters for the purposes of this thread. Okay so a boat. Where would you sail that you can live on a modest amount?
  2. The point of the post is a hypothetical scenario to see what ideas others have. I am in the USA and have two places. In this scenario it would be my winter place. I am intentionally leaving the details open for others to paint their own picture. I am married. However i do many of my own things i am not chained to the marriage. We both have different interests and do what we want. We all know it is possible to do this. So the idea is instead of quibbling about the fact it is possible, how to do it the best way possible? So unless you actually contribute to the theme and oick a spot and tell us how you can get the most enjoyment out of it there is no meaning. I picked $5k because it is in the realm of mere mortals. I am not really looking for basic math of what utilities and rent cost. I am looking for s little bit of imagination and ideas of where to go to do it right or what might be the most enjoyable. It isn't so much what does that life cost. We know it costs $5,000 a month i am looking more for what are the good things you can do and where they are likely to be. we alresdy have tons of threads about where you can live on the least amount possible. I wanted a thread we can discusses places you might desir3 to live if you have s pot to piss in.
  3. A place I found not on most people's maps is Oxford, North Carolina. Charming, historic, university town. House in town are expensive but not that bad. Good ought dining scene. Hits above its weight. Awhile back i found a house in okay shape about five miles out of town for $89k. Good access to culture, nightlife, nature and affordable enough. Places in town weren't even that had some places were around $250k and really nice. i could get on my ebike and have a leisurely ride into the town to have a few drink at night. These are the kind of places would enjoy. Also southern Georgia for access to water and wetlands to kayak. Both places are not far from the coast, have a million of interesting sites to see around them and you can probably still find a real gem of a place if you look seriously and know how to fix a few things. I have a travel trailer so would also consider land that's is unrestricted outside of a town. For me it is definitely the southeast because it does have culture, good food, nature and history. In fact much more than most places. These days the cold fronts also go way down south. So i dint want to be directly n south of let's say Minnesota. Texas gets pretty bad cold spells these days. i also want to avoid storms so not too close to the coast. If i were a bit earlier i would love to look at a place like Savannah, GA. Had another look at Oxford. This small house came up for $110k 3 miles from the center. i dont lnow how to make zillow links but this address. 5086 Antioch Rd. Oxford, NC. These kind of places interest me but again anybody can share their idea of what they would do.
  4. That's what i am getting at. $50k a year no longer buys all that much beer. I remember actually not so long ago thinking if you had $100 a day you had it made. $5k a month is near the median and they are beginning to struggle. It's not enough for even many what used to be second or third tier cities. Places that used to be cheap like Austin, Nashville, Boise, Phoenix, Minneapolis.etc. you would probably now struggle to live there. A few suggestions are interesting. It can be done if you choose carefully though.
  5. Those people are having a harder time these days. That's why i dint think $5k a month is not as easy as it sounds on paper.
  6. i have basically picked my spots already. I was curious what others would do. Not looking for advice so much as opinions. I chose outside of Pittsburgh in the countryside and do summers up at my lake place on Drummond Island in Michigan. I also have much more than $5,000 a month to do it but picked that figure as it gives some choices but you still have to be careful. If there was no limit you would just hear about Hawaii or some such place. i am looking for a place down south so I can just follow the seasons. You could do what i am doing on $5,000 a month but it would be somewhat tight. I happen to own my places so rent doesn't figure in. I think with $5,000 a month it would be wise to own but that's just my opinion. You mention Florida, i am not so sure $5k would cut it there.
  7. Unless you express that in percentage's it has no meaning. God bkess this site the easiest questions become convoluted .
  8. I suppose the price of Viagra doesn't matter if you aren't using it. I am just joking. Anyway i had a few good answers and am done we can shut this thread.
  9. so it is pretty similar to what i am experiencing in the usa, thank you for that response I get it.
  10. Okay my example was poor that is exactly why I asked the question. So noodle soups have doubled in price?
  11. It really isn't that hard unless you want it to be. Okay let's break it down and unpack it for you. Does it cost you more today than ti did before the pandemic? If yes, on what? Let's not get too fancy about the matter. There are other threads asking about places in the USA where inflation is a big deal. So i wonder how it compares. The USA is going through a terrible bout of inflation.
  12. Okay. I respect your opinion but would live to hear from others that give real world experiences. I am basically asking 8ng how much mire expensive Thailand has become and inflation effects everybody regardless of their lifestyle it doesn't discriminate .
  13. i am looking for everyday prices, auch as the price of a room, the price of a beer or meal in Pattaya. The price of groceries. The price of petrol. I am not looking for a big boring list if inflationary numbers from a government source. I am asking if the cost of living has gone up and if so on what? Okay let's make it simple does a tuk tuk cost more than two years ago and if so by how much? That sort of thing.
  14. i am nit talking about any of that i am trying to find out the reality.
  15. I no longer live over there but the question speaks for itself.
  16. The Americans dream is still to become rich. Traveling is fine but nobody with a working brain has the plan of moving abroad as their first choice. This only really happens if things aren't working out for you. Going abroad is a dream but it isn't the american dream. The American dream is to become scuccessful enough to have your own home and be able to have the freedom to go wherever you want to. Living in some $250 a month room in Cambodian isn't the Americans dream unless you are mentally deficient. It is actually a very exciting time to be young and alive in the USA if you educate yourself you can find that future.
  17. Housing isn't that cheap, the infrastructure is terrible and most goods are expensive. They are just coming back from a hurricane that was five years ago.
  18. Yes, it can be tricky thats why i picked that amount. I think you can live okay on that but it is sort of what I consider the bottom end these days. So how do your stretch your money if that's what you have?
  19. 5k a month. Ni more or less. Doesn't matter your household. I tried to make it clear but you have $5k a month.
  20. You can think whatever you want. The FACT is she kept her word.
  21. She gave her word to support the candidate that eventually prevailed. Make a promise keep a promise. Pretty simple stuff.
  22. That's interesting and you think that it is sustainable on $60k a year?
  23. Okay tell me where and how yo7 do that with $5,000 a month. What's the plan?
  24. I am single but if you had to go to the USA with $5,000 a month where would you go is the question. Ugh I am married lol my husband just reminded me. But we don't have kids we are dinkwads. Double income with a dog.
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