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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. I am guessing Trump wants maximum pain for Canada before the elections.
  2. When you owe the bank $500K the bank owns you. When you owe the bank $36 trillion you own the banks.
  3. No more Pride month at the Intelligence Agency? How tragic.
  4. Yeah the USa could always put them in Alaska if they prefer that.
  5. The aliens are being denied their rights as citizens by their home countries. Maybe the UN should yell at those places to let their citizens have the right to return home.
  6. They always do this when something like this happens. Never before.
  7. In this section there are probably more posts than there ever has been. Back in the day Scott, Bruce and a few others reduced this place to ashes. To clarify I mean world news forum. Adding the soapbox was smart as it gets more posts and updates the news in real time with more interesting content than the main world news forum.
  8. They are going to need to have millions upon millions of illegals to pick it all. Otherwise the price of citrus will skyrocket in London.
  9. it was more than that. You of all people are the smartest guy i ever met.
  10. they don't take them because they never picked fruit and weren't pleasant people. For normal citizens all of Latin America needs worker to work those fields.l
  11. You understand these are flights filled with criminals right? These are the worst and the first to go. you al;most have to ask yourself;f and have some honesty about it. If these people are so great what doesn't anybody want them? Inflation also happens in the third world and somebody has to pick avocados.
  12. https://thehill.com/policy/international/5107740-colombia-presidential-plane-honduras-us-deportation-flights/
  13. Link? In all seriousness. I don't know why anybody living in the USA wou;d actually care what the SS depends crew living in shoe boxes overseas think.
  14. That gives me a long runway.
  15. yeah I can accept that. I am not the smartest guy on the planet like some posters. i am probably 20 years younger than the average poster here though. If not 30 or 40.
  16. How so on this site? You understand this site is nothing more than a handful of rambling old fools right?
  17. I didn't vote for Trump.
  18. okay Arnold Benedict.
  19. I am sure people showed up from the river to the sea.
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