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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. It was sarcastic meaning he will be forced to adopt the Russian version off his name and be called Vladimir
  2. The only way to end the war peacefully is all hostages released immediately and a full unconditional surrender by Hamas fighters. Hamas is responsible for all the deaths and could end this by accepting that and being held accountable
  3. It is lunacy to continue to negotiate with terrorists for 2 or three people at a time. Does Israel really intend to do this for the next decade? Hamas can never return all the hostages because they know they will all be killed at that point. The problem is the policy of never negotiating with terrorists should have been declared and adhered to. But with rewarding Iran for returning hostages, trading an arms dealer for a basketball player, trading terrorists and getting some loser that joined the other side in Afghanistan. Etc. was all a sign that we will bargain at any cost to save just about anybody. Kill them all and declare if you ever take a hostage again you the only negotiation is how you are going to die. There is no other end game when somebody wants to wipe you out. There is no compromise or off ramp.
  4. When this board was heavily moderated it began dying. It has come back a little without the pink mafia censoring every post. I know liberals hate free speech but luckily you don't decided what is posted. Ban 6 people and this section would be a grave yard.
  5. Well when the chance of the leftist fascist dictators having a win becomes an existential threat to freedom and democracy you take a win however you can.
  6. More proof that we aren't losing our collective sh!t and becoming hysterical.
  7. I am sure you might have looked almost as good 75 years ago.
  8. So you are one those. Always throwing stones from his glass house in an undisclosed location. Can you ate least tell me who your avatar is? If another poster knows please share.
  9. FWIW Australia offers nice visas for people to come and do these harvesting jobs. They don't stay longer than a year. There was never ever ever a reason to let millions of people in unvetted during a pandemic.
  10. Okay. So can I ask you to clarify where you are from?
  11. Once those welfare checks stop coming people will need something to do. It beats smoking crack and sleeping and pooping on sidewalks.
  12. Okay hardly any great loss. Hope they have success in their new careers.
  13. If he really took up that look liberals would pay him to read gay porn to school children.
  14. You're problem is that you are so much smarter than everybody else and it makes you unhappy.
  15. America has become a nation of retarded, deformed, fatards. RFK won't hurt it.
  16. I live about five miles from it and the name has been adopted here.
  17. It would be amusing. I hear they like maple syrup in Belgium.
  18. I went out of business selling 30' ladders.
  19. It's is really sort of sad but it keeps them busy.
  20. WOW strong words for our self appointed brand ambassador in the Pattaya section.
  21. They have failed to be brand ambassadors and can't even look a man in the eye. About time we stop watering the pansies.
  22. You must not lived in blue state during covid they very much denied people their human rights in those manners.
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