Yes I own shares of them. Dutch fab that specializes in lithography. They haven't being doing so well lately as they are down something like 40%, I still like them though.I own shares in ARM as well. That's two I
guess add SAP out of Germany and after that there isn't much.
Those aren't exactly household names. Europe doesn't have a single mega cap tech. i don't think they have ever produced a trillion dollar company at all.
Just make it a helicopter for the win. I would dare any member of this forum to attempt climbing that ladder. If you make it up congrats now down the other side. If it was Asia you could just use a coconut tree.
No i acknowledge your intellectual supremacy over all of man kind. This is how i know we have no hope whatsoever as a species. Even the smartest guy on the planet isn't all that bright, kind or empathetic.
It isn't going to work for a lot of people that think work brings dignity to their lives. Humans will have to evolve to a state of mind where the robots work for us and we do what we want. Many people will end up hurt in the mean time. I am not a big fan of UBI but it will have to become the norm at some point.
Not sure how to do it but let's say you replace a worker that earns $50K a year with a robot. That robot needs to be taxed for $50k a year. So the government get's it's tax and the worker gets his share.
That's the problem with DEI. The Village people were perfect for that occasion and nobody could have done it better. You mistakenly assume everybody gay is a DEI hire. On a side note only one is original and we don't know if the actors portraying the Village People are actually gay. As far as your egg obsession. Avian flue has wiped out millions of hens so it may take awhile. But of course you knew that.
Not sifting through all the rubble in this thread. Trump talked about tariffs in Davos today. Links are broken but you can check on any news site in the world.
Nothing more to add. The haters should be out soon to say what a bad thing this is.
That's pretty funny coming from a guy who somehow asserts he is the most intelligent guy around and everybody else is average and stupid in every post.
My husband is British and i am American. The logical choice of where we would go when we left SE Asia was England or America. My husband wouldn't even entertain going to England. To have what we have here would be impossible in the UK.
They are going to have to forget the hostages. Wall the place off, nothing in nothing out, kill them while they all starve. That's harsh but they want to commit genocide against the Jews if they could so the answer has to be the same.
People are pretty excited around here in the USA. Nice to see a POTUS that can answer questions and that America is open for business again. The past 4 years of some old dude coming out and talking about fascist and tyranny every few months was pretty tiresome. It does feel like a dark cloud has been lifted.