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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Ship them to a camp in Alaska and they can do their 5 years there waiting. Most of the arguments about how we can't send them out are ridiculous. I heard Guantanamo has some vacancies.
  2. There is no requirement to deliver anybody to their country of origin. To successfully deport an illegal alien you just need a spot that takes them anywhere in the world. They can volunteer where they are from if they don't like the choice provided. So in that respect the world is their oyster.
  3. No link? I will let it go as you actually admitted that Biden is largely responsible for this. I thought you were going to bring up the Cambodian thugs that never got their papers.
  4. It's a risk we will have to take. Thank Joe for making it come to this. And as always got a link?
  5. There might be somebody so hopeless they can't get an ID, have a birth certificate, speak English, have an address or anything that connects them to the USA. Most of those people already moved to Thailand though.
  6. Not sure what the UK actually offers the USA? They have no major tech, no resources, no backbone. When time of war comes around we actually have to shoot through the Brits to get to the bad guys.
  7. They need to make a TV show like COPS for this stuff.
  8. remember when they covered up Joe Biden being a vegetable and said keeping him out of the public was smart politics?
  9. As any dem would say lying to people toi win elections is smart politics.
  10. There is actually an egg shortage due to avian flue killing millions of hens. Is eggs the New Mexico will pay for the wall talking point?
  11. Well when I can buy land with no restrictions whatsoever, am allowed to build on it so i can recreate the lake place up north, residence and winter place in Florida I might consider it. I like to build houses and cabins. This is impossible in the UK. Everybody is different but the living arrangements in the UK absolutely suck unless you rate rich. I really don't require the government to care for me so all of that is irrelevant. Living in some crappy row house just isn't for me.
  12. yeah they showed some pics of illegals in chains going on planes. They need to make a show like COPS call it ICE. Cheap to produce would do massive numbers.
  13. Just a handful of convictions. I feel him.
  14. Willow is cutting edge for sure. The problem is that it can consume every data humans have ever made in a few seconds maybe less. After that it has nothing to go on. It should help speed up the evolution of things when we get a break through here and there and it can accelerate those with new data available. But yeah the wind machines that are idle from lack of wind aren't exactly going to power the data centers.
  15. I guess i missed that rule change. Anyway what I learned there was interesting. Tell me which isn't factual? I will always say it is chat gpt in the future. I guess the different texts, bullet points, underscores etc. aren't enough for some people. It is painfully obvious that it is AI. It seems this is 30 years off. So it isn't big news. Anyway I will make square to make a note of that in the future should some of our slower members won't get caught off guard.
  16. Chat GPT. I was just asking it what the deal is. So I used a research tool to do some research and posted what i found. I thought it would be obvious it is pasted from an AI source.
  17. Why It’s Still a Challenge Energy Input vs. Output: Right now, reactors like EAST consume more energy to maintain the fusion process than they generate, which makes it inefficient for large-scale energy production. Plasma Containment: Holding plasma at extreme temperatures without losing control is a massive engineering challenge. Any instability could damage the reactor or lead to shutdowns. Cost: Fusion research and development require billions of dollars in funding. Building commercial reactors with sustainable costs for energy production is still decades away. Material Limitations: The intense conditions inside a fusion reactor degrade materials rapidly. Developing materials that can withstand these extremes is ongoing but not yet solved. Scalability: Even if EAST or another reactor achieves a net-positive energy output, scaling it to provide power on a global level will take significant time, investment, and infrastructure development.
  18. The man is a victim of over zealous pro-life groups.
  19. They are talking about using to to cure cancer for starters. As far as NVDA goes one case use of their chip is the omniverse. Where you can for example, build a factory in VR and test every system, and component as if it were real. So you can back test. And make everything more efficient and spot problems. If you don't know what AI will do maybe you should try using google a little more. I use AI almost everyday. If you want to build a house give the deminesions and window and door holes and you will know to the exact piece of wood how many boards you need to frame it. I used it to put solar in my camper. Instead of figuring it out I asked Chat GPT a few simpl.e questions to figure out charge rates and draw downs and saved a lot of time. I want to plant my land in Florida. You can google plants but AI can compare them assess rain conditions soil types etc. It plans trips very well. People even use it to post replies to ignorant people online saving valuable time. For example I could ask Chat GPT why AI is more than a glorified google search and your comment would look extremely silly. If you can't make use of AI in the very near future you will not have a future. AI is useful for people that strive to be productive.
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