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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Your right the button is a silly idea. An ankle bracelet tethered to your desk is the way to go. As far as cost the amount you get offered is based upon the cost of the area you live in or at least was. Why should the employer not get any of the gains made from working at home? Also a camera so you have to show up in a full a suit and perhaps a breathalyzer you can be asked to blow into now and then.
  2. Please keep up posted about what you decide to watch frequently.
  3. watching him try not to cry while he sits as Trump speaks is entertaining.
  4. Mount Mickinley. Two legendary presidential come backs in one day!
  5. You missed the point. Dictators can do whatever they want. They have been saying he is a dictator for how long now?
  6. Yes, so long as they are homosexual and IPOC.
  7. Trump should just declare the pardons unlawful and throw them all in jail. He is worse than Hitler after all and that's what a dictator would do.
  8. Vance just got sworn in. His eyeliner is immaculate as usual!
  9. Schumer looking about as happy as a vampire that has been exposed to the sunlight.
  10. SCOTUS walks in Sotomayer isn't looking too good. Maybe time to pack the court?
  11. Pence in da house. Lol
  12. When he and Trump get in the limo Biden has to basically crawl to get in. Lol How awkward.
  13. Your internalized homophobia isn't a sexy look. It is okay to be gay. These threads do amuse how the latent homophobes lefties feel the courage to say what they fell though.
  14. the numbers of people wanting to attend and the huge amount of foreign leaders and dignitaries is astounding. This is one of the best inaugurations in history. Weird how people wanted to fight and resist and suddenly Trump is the most popular guy on the planet.
  15. Somewhere up in heaven MLK is smiling because we have finally defeated identity politics.
  16. it's the political soapbox. You need a bit of a spine or you ain't gonna make it here kiddo.
  17. Everybody in the county is busy turning their American flags right side up and flying them at full mast. Lots of smiles on people's faces today.
  18. Kamala has the backbone of a ramrod speaking of ramrods.
  19. The good thing about releasing the prisoners is now you can kill them.
  20. Yeah you lose the presumption of innocence for sure.
  21. Okay. Well now they aren't under the threat of prosecution they can speak openly about everything and not hide behind the 5th.
  22. Aren't you glad that you and another lefty can be homophobic now without being cancelled?
  23. The whitehouse staff are burniNg the sheets and using bleach on what they can. There is still the stench of death but it will subside with time.
  24. 20 years ago they were 20 years younger.
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