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Everything posted by BumGun

  1. This is a different visa but still, I love these visas, Must have X million deposited in a bank account in Thailand to apply. So I wonder into the bank on a Visa Free entry... , Teller: Sir you must have a retirement visa to open a bank account, ME: but I need a bank account to get a retirement visa.. blank look.. try next door at another bank, same same, give up and go to the bar.
  2. The Pensioner one doesn't seem to be particularly onerous ? 80K USD p/a and > 50 yrs old ? I meet that BUT I am not officially drawing any pensions though, just don't like work and earn investment income. Am I reading it right that those are those the only two requirements ? I am very reluctant to own property in Thailand as there is no residency option so am not particularly interested in going down that path.
  3. Riding a Stutz Bear Cat, Jim ya know, those were different times all the poets studied rules of verse and those ladies they rolled their eyes Sweet Jane
  4. Bit hard to exempt citizens of the country from entry wouldn't you say ? Up to the countries who receive them when they leave Thailand if they want proof of vaccination.. I guess they could insist Thai citizens are vaccinated before leaving but the usual suspects in here would bang on about discrimination if it wasn't applied to foreigners I guess. As a precedent, Australia and New Zealand did ban their own citizens from arriving during the height of Covid, , with unfortunately very broad support from locals who were already home.
  5. Indeed a collapsing polar vortex jet stream (as in perturbations in the linear flow) from the smaller temp differential change due to the Arctic heating much more quickly then the tropics (aka polar amplification). ie a wobbly jet stream (slower polar vortex) lets freezing air flow south and warm air north in other places.
  6. What ? of course you can change it, a century of climate science shows you humans have. The physics is not particularity controversial, whether you want to do anything is the strangely controversial part, the world has collectively decided not to do anything in regards mitigation but you will still need to adapt (sea level rise, bigger floods, longer droughts, bigger fires, hotter weather, bigger stronger hurricanes/typhoons/cyclones etc) until it becomes beyond our ability to adapt and civilisation collapses, somewhere between 1.5 and 2 will see too many tipping points for us to stop it after that. Shorter term you also need to modify how you interact with the world, for example Europe's new carbon border tax, you either lower your emission in the products you export, or pay much more tax to export to Europe, or you don't export to Europe but those are decisions that need to be made.
  7. Surely the limit is easy to figure out, if you are a day over, you are an overstay ? How is this hard to figure out ? they might be agreeable to overlooking it for a day or two but that's another issue. As to increased police and judicial zeal ? don't overstay might be one solution. If it's all too hard (I am paperwork adverse, so its why I am not there), then go elsewhere. They don't have to stand outside, they can wait inside and get the nod from the counter staff. The only place you have a right to be is where you have citizenship.
  8. A border with Russia, i'd be nervous as well. That and looooong winters, Jokes aside, they're not even in the top 20 according to this list, in fact #33 https://www.statista.com/forecasts/1148811/per-capita-alcohol-consumption-by-country
  9. ??? odd question, a visa isn't a guarantee of entry THAT decision is made by the immigration official upon arrival. AFAIK that's the same in every country in the world
  10. Police facing too much competition ?
  11. A quick segue, I am a huge fan of Slade, they sort of defined Glam, they transitioned into it (defined it ?) and then away. Te likes of Ozzy Osbourne, Suzzie Quttro, Noel Gallager etc saying Noddy had the best voice in Rock 'n Roll, impacted the likes of Kiss and a bunch of others.
  12. Looks like they just want to be like the UK ? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/apr/19/sewage-island-how-britain-spews-untreated-waste-rivers-sea
  13. I don't even understand the question, how do you think you got the right to vote ? People who are treated badly often push back, some people support them, or at the very least their right to push back. That the have to push back is something that perhaps needs more discussion on.
  14. Looks good, not being able to own it in my own name counts me out.
  15. what the hell did I just read. Must be some back story, leg amputation from diabetes, covered in bed sores ? How dd she get to Thailand ? on one leg and then deteriorate and abandoned by her "friend" ? getting home will be... tricky ? hope she has a place back here to come to ? "I think that this is general perception of all western embassies. The staff are just cocktail party people. " I was told by the Australian Embassy in Camboida (via email cant get an appointment as an Aussie) they are there to facilitate trade, not to assist Australians citizens.
  16. I read multiple books a week, just none of them on paper. I have about 80 on my Kindle and a 12,000 book library on a USB thumb drive manged by Calibre. Thailand perfectly suits reading books, that's the beauty, I can now read MORE books.
  17. Yeah but why would even they do it ? They can already get around it with the gray area of using a company and this new suggestion still doesn't come with any surety of residency, so you own a place and they refuse entry at immigration ? while I would be interested, the bar they've set seems particularity onerous and appealing to no one ? Also as others have mentioned, I think a little nod to reciprocity is in order as well. I know only wealthy Thais are buying places in London, Australia, Canada, Germany, US etc and they're not really competing with the poor in the those countries (way different market) but still
  18. There is already the company route. Not really a loop hole as grey, as it wasn't designed for that but many do anyway. So it cant be for that reason, as many do already, there are plenty in here alone. My speculation (worth 1/2 a tuppence) is its a slippery slope thing, introduce it, show the xenophobes that not many people will to do it anyway with those onerous rules ( aside from the truly dedicated, especially with difficulties in getting residency. Eventually they will then relax the rules a little (!?) so the rich can sell development blocks to wealthy foreigners. I also don't understand why they use USD and not THB but that's a separate issue.
  19. I suspect that review would prohibit new buyers but not "take your land off you". Of course that raises the specter of whom to sell to if you wish to move on after say 10 years ???? locals only I guess ?
  20. I have never had a problem at immigration, so it's not surprising you haven't been asked either I guess ? I have been been asked about return tickets a few times at both OOL (Gold Coast when I used to go Gold Coast, KL, Phnom Penh on Air Asia) ) or BNE (Brisbane, various airlines) over the years, I'd say maybe asked 1 in 10 times ? In the old days I always said I was just traveling by bus across the border (been if I wasn't and a bit hard to use that excuse in The Philippines) I haven't been back to SE Asia since Covid. As suggested by others if you do get caught out and they insist, step away from the counter and buy a cheap fare OR an expansive one and get it refunded... if necessary. I have always just been polite and got around it the few times its happened.
  21. Is this true ? this seems like the Afghanistanian armed forces when the Taliban rolled in levels of really not wanting to be there. I guess the difference here is as Zelensky says, if Russia stops fighting, the War stops, if Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ceases to exist.. I guess the Russian boys don't really want to be there and would rather be at home ogling stunning Russian girls and drinking Vodka. On a side note, we've had a Ukranian refugee (escaped Kyiv) staying with us here in our condo in Australia for 2 months, its been ... interesting ... hearing her take on this. She just keeps telling me "don't believe any of it, from her side or from Russia", but she did say where Russia was once seen as a big brother, now... everyone is turning their backs on them. Is difficult to talk about it, not just the language barrier but do I want to remind her of why she fled by talking about it ? I steered clear mostly. It will be nice if the world just went back to hating on the US for it's imperialism and invasions, not sure we can handle another cold war (Russia, China, NK, India, SE Asia aligning ?). 50 years ago the US installed Pinochet.
  22. Not quite sure whats so funny, even the NZ Foreign mister has a moku on her face ? It's a cultural thing for Maori.
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