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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. First mistake is logging out… 🙄
  2. Find yourself a ladyboy and wear your co-pilots cap 👍🏼
  3. As a still working tradesman, I’ve been told that one “issue” for utes and vans designed to carry stuff commercially is the weight of the batteries eats into the allowable payload. In this case possibly causing a reduction in the battery capacity ? For now I’m still running diesel and probably will continue for the 10yrs till retirement, unless of course Toyota comes up with a game changing solid state battery… 😎 On Saturday I was visiting my son who took me for a spin in his Tesla. It took a little while to retrieve my testicles from the pit of my stomach when he planted his foot. “My wife and I need to be careful because we are both maxed out on driving demerit points” he said… 🤦🏼‍♂️
  4. I use old school cruise control in my 2021 ice hiace quite extensively and find it invaluable. Other vehicles that can't maintain a constant speed are frustrating but thats why the machinegun is mounted under the radiator... B)
  5. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-28/diesel-mining-truck-converted-to-electric-to-lower-emissions/104230918?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=link
  6. You lost me with oil being an energy of the future… 🤣🤣🤣
  7. Guns. If you cookers are correct, the ONLY safe currency will be lots of guns and even more bullets. And the thought of you cookers running around armed to the back teeth is repugnant to the remnants of civilization.
  8. Is that the atm fee for a wise card in Thailand ? Ive never put mine into an atm, anywhere. Edit: Why do you want to withdraw cash from a credit card at an atm ? Thats a cash advance and interest is calculated from the second you withdraw it… If you want access to cash via atm you want a debit card.
  9. Speaking of my wise card, I awoke this morning to 3 alerts from Wise about what they thought were fraudulent transactions with my card, a couple of $aud on one and $0aud on the other two. Definitely not my transactions so I filled in the dispute form. Ill need to order a new card now.
  10. Do you use wise for transfers ? They offer physical and virtual Visa cards. They are usable immediately, load your currency and spend, they handle the currency conversion at their usual good rates.
  11. Bad optics, Yarda, Yarda… One thing I do know is the Giants won’t be booking that venue again ! What ever happened to protecting the privacy of your guests ?
  12. I was thinking the rename/new thread could be “The reanimation of PaTongs bride” 😎
  13. I’d click on every link using the same computer I do all my banking on… Of course it’s a bloody scam.
  14. Progress… 🤷🏼‍♂️
  15. Where will you buy petrol in 2054 ?
  16. Have you ever heard of “weighing” evidence ? If I am thinking of buying a computer should I ask questions of people who are knowledgeable of computers or should I ask about them with the lost tribe who just walked out of the Amazon ? How do you feel when you’re helping someone with some tech issue and they argue against your best advice ? The ev owners here don’t have anything to gain from sharing their experiences yet opinionated blockheads keep telling and arguing against their experiences…
  17. You’ve never seen the remnants from an icev crash ???
  18. Actually… in some countries you can, though it’s usually at the stores discretion. 2 years ago I purchased a new iPad which the next week was Aud$150 cheaper, I thought “If you don’t ask, you don’t receive” I got my $150 back no questions asked. Timing and corporate goodwill all play a part.
  19. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  20. I Whilst I largely agree with you, I suspect Khun was referring to buying new. I think “car enthusiasts” may still want icev in 2050 largely as showroom pieces but no one will be buying second hand icev for commuting/transport. For starters fuel availability will be reducing and probably within 10 yrs.
  21. Take your blinkers off and read it again then… then read his response to my comment to you. I’ll paraphrase his post as such for you. i was very unwell, I went to hospital where they performed various tests, they were hesitant to let me go home alone I was so crook, I HAVE COVID.
  22. We are so lucky to have such highly credentialed structural engineers and metallurgists like yourself amongst us here. The university of YouTube strikes again… 🙄
  23. I think I may have caught covid (but not tested/diagnosed) when I was over in May, it certainly knocked me around. I am relieved that I didn’t pass it on to the older members of my wife’s family. Rest up, you’ve had a rough 12 months.
  24. Mate, buy what YOU like. What is you housing situation ? Do you have solar ? What type of car do you need ? What sort of driving do you do ? How do you cope with tech ? As for the comment above, yeah why would anyone listen to the opinions of people who have driven both types of vehicle… 🙄
  25. Give it up ! He said he went the hospital and they told him he’s got covid… Unless you’ve got a conspiracy for us…? 🙄
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