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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. Particularly when you have no plan b 🤣
  2. Thank you for posting this for the attention of LG battery owners, should we also post every ice recall as well…?
  3. Geez, that sounds like a hell of a concussion Xylo, best to chase it up. Congrats on your new digs too. I had a chat with the manager of the Aussie Bar on Bangla, nice outgoing type, he seems fairly happy with Bangla for this time of year. I’m in Phon Phisai at the moment but he offered to replay the Carlton v Port AFL game when I get back. Can’t complain about that 👍🏼
  4. The lockdown efficacy was purely to slow the transmission and reduce the total volume of people in the hospital system and it worked unequivocally. I can understand questioning of the flow on effects of children and schools and general social issues.
  5. Oil fed idiots cannot see that though.
  6. Hey @xylophone how are you getting along ? I hope you’re a bit more comfortable and mobile now ? Ive been away for 5 years, some things the same, some different, Patong never stays still does it. The weed shops are to be seen to be believed, they outnumber 7-11 by 50 to 1 😳 Some rain would be welcome though…
  7. The listing of popular threads that used to live at the bottom of the page when browsing on a mobile was a useful feature I always thought. Is there any hope for its return ?
  8. Its also an hour or two from landing, wake people up, give em something to chew on and get em on the ground.
  9. Yeah, not accepting a sim is strange for a phone, most baked bean cans nowadays accept sim...😎
  10. Hey @owl sees all you’ve hit the big time…! Congeatulations, of sorts… 🤣 You’re officially a Facebook celebrity 🤔
  11. Welcome back Owl, I was starting to wonder if you’d run off with the hat lady 😱
  12. You’re too kind to the troll
  13. If you’re really lucky, after you have crack at him, if you post on another thread he’ll come and say hello there as well… #feelingblessed 🙄
  14. Tell me you have a pathological hatred of women without telling me you have a pathological hatred of women…
  15. Hey kids, you know how you didn’t get the jab and you didn’t die of Covid, therefore Covid is a scam to make other people rich ? Well, I DID get the jab and guess what… I went home, went to bed and got up in the morning and went to work… therefore vaxx injury aren’t real, and maybe these people are looking for a payday$$
  16. Really not sure where to start… It is not either/or. Yes, I agree the Thai road toll is too high. Yes, I agree the Thai health system, like every other health system in the world is under funded and understaffed. By your own claim you agree with the above but now there are another almost 1900 people in hospital with many in ICU on ventilators. ICU nurses are not general nurses, they are the “elite” nurses. Every patient they care for requires changing PPE. I’d guess a fair percentage of your road accident deaths are dead before they get to hospital, so don’t place much of a strain on the nursing staff, unlike someone on a ventilator for a week or two… Its not that Covid is “especially evil” it’s more the point that some of it’s variations can be extremely transmissible and community spread can be exponential and THAT can quickly overwhelm the health system when added to the already thresholded system. Read back to the morbidity levels of the original Covid strain, it was high, very high. We’ve been lucky that the variants with higher transmability have had lower morbidity but if the two turn together we will be in deep do do. Which is why we needed to vaccinate and mask, every transmission carry’s the risk of mutation and the “wrong” mutation takes us back to the big pile of do do I mentioned earlier.
  17. Same reason very little is being done about climate change and our ongoing destruction of this planet. vested interests deny climate change, they deny Covid.
  18. Please accept my apologies, everyone except @ezzra step away from the keyboard, he has spoken… 🙄
  19. Get your fingers off the keyboard and step away…
  20. And THAT is the problem I and others, have with people like you. Most of you accept that the virus mutates and even accept that the different mutations have slightly different symptoms and transmission ability but seem to have convinced yourself that it can never harm you 🤦🏼‍♂️ A couple of key mutations might just flip your nothing burger and make it very interesting for you and the rest of us to chew…
  21. I don’t believe one persons adverse reaction to “pollution” is contagious and potentially life threatening to health workers, but I’m not a heath professional like yourself…
  22. Yes, you only have to look at the thousands of studies funded by Kennedy and his anti vaxx cronies...
  23. I take my cardiology advice from my acupuncturist 👍🏼
  24. @EVENKEEL I guess you won’t be going to this temple up in Isaan then ? 🤣 Ill confess to not having an abundance of bravado whilst up on that “construction” very happy to get down alive 👍🏼
  25. I guess you’ve never travelled over a bridge…?
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