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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. You do realise it’s a piece of glass 200-300mm thick and 600mm above the waterline ?
  2. Taking dementia advice from a cardiologist…? Ummm, ok.
  3. I think the op is a classic W⚓️
  4. Your reading and comprehension level is out of my control
  5. Dunno what gaming has to do with the discussion, have you never been out and about and used your mobi to view this forum ? Thats why I mentioned phones, nothing to do with gaming.
  6. You probably do… 🤣
  7. But that’s the point, tablets are convenient to pick up and use, no need to wait for a computer to boot. I use a laptop for my business cashbook software, it lives in my office with all the other business things at hand. Forums and social media are easier handled via tablet from the couch.
  8. I don’t agree with that but I can see a parallel with Trannies and their own voice… 🥰🥰
  9. Dinosaurs still use towers, desktops and laptops, everyone else uses a tablet or sometimes their phone… you’re welcome 👍🏼
  10. But please, feel free to enlighten the ev owners about ev, I’m sure they appreciate your insightful experience… 🤦🏼‍♂️
  11. Look between the concrete pylons…
  12. That is Thai addresses for you though…
  13. My wife has a 5 minute warning when she says she’s hungry. ill be in the process of cooking a meal (in front of her) and she will find something to stuff herself with… it baffles me 🤷🏼‍♂️
  14. If it lives I guess you will Owl.
  15. Rick, if you’ve got a smartphone, post your pics directly from there. Ive gotten a couple of mangoes from a grafted R2E2 the last 2 years, the possums and bats got the rest 🤬 My wife has largely planted mango seed against my advice, but I’m hoping a couple may fruit this year. We are now into our dry season but it hasn’t turned cold yet, only pleasantly cool, so no flowers as yet.
  16. To be fair it’s sold 66 more than its sister car… 😎
  17. Sounds fantastic, do you have a link so I can break out the lube too ?
  18. Geez Rick, losing an avo at that age would be soul destroying ! It must be painfully close to giving you some fruit ? Glad someone else gave Owl a clip about his tardiness 🤣 I’ve been in Melbourne and Brizvegas for the last week, back to Darwin tonight and back to Thailand in a few weeks..
  19. I’m a medium sized South American country, how many panels do I need ? 🤣
  20. 🤣 as a visitor I love the boxing, boxing truck ! Id feel very different as a local though 👍🏼🤣 Great to hear xylophone is able to get out and about a little. Im looking forward to getting back in a few weeks time, visit my dentist 😵‍💫 and then upcountry to see family. Happy to hear of a Russian reduction…
  21. Of course we will
  22. “Most” fuel tax simply goes into consolidated revenue, wherever it actually gets spent is anyone’s guess, most would agree that not enough is actually spent on actual roads. As ice decline and ev increase (or hydrogen, fairy dust, moon rocks etc) obviously money will be required from someone, somewhere to maintain road infrastructure. Im of the opinion that over the next 20 yrs ice are going to be taxed to the point of oblivion, people want and need to breathe clean air. At that point, will ev or other options be seen as cash cows to be harvested… likely yes, or we can walk.
  23. If governments choose to levy electricity they will. i very much doubt they will levy electricity I produce Even if somehow electricity was taxed to the point where ev cost the same per km to run as an ice the ev still has better performance and lower maintenance costs, so what exactly is your problem ?
  24. But safe in yours… 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  25. Where does your assumption that ev drivers can’t drive come from ? The ev drivers here are your peers in age and driving experience who have decided that they have found a vehicle better than an ice. Go troll elsewhere.
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