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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. That would involve science and as we know magas luurrrve science… 🙄 Get a few shots of invermectin up your piehole and get back to us…
  2. Perverts (like you…) have compulsive fantasy’s and become obsessive on this subject. You and your maga mates can’t help yourselves but to latch on to any and every opportunity to get all worked up and sweaty about transgendered folk and their toileting, I mean it’s ok if it’s your thing (in the closet and all) as long as it’s consenting adults and in private, I’m happy for you 👍🏼 But to be honest I find the obsession of you and your friends a bit much for a genteel forum like this, maybe you could try a fettish forum that’s better suited ?
  3. Cool story bro, I think perverts like you should be more concerned with themselves and less interested in others bowel and bladder movements, unless they ask you to join them of course…
  4. I think someone has lost their shallow grip on reality but for the maga type it’s just the same ol slippery slope down the rabbit hole.
  5. I can’t counter a well constructed argument like that magaman, you’ve got me beat… 🙄
  6. Why are perverts like you so obsessive about a name plaque on a door ? sicko…
  7. Grabbing em by the pussy is the maga way isn’t it ?
  8. Attempted insults… that’s all you’ve got ? huhmmm, people defecating in bathrooms… mmmm… OMG IM CUMMING… !!!!
  9. Because perverts like you bone up if you see a bit of skirt going into the mensroom… Apart from the perverted scenarios inside your head all that happens in toilets is basic bodily functions. Now off you go and beat off 👍🏼
  10. 🤣 ”Women’s safe spaces…” 🤣 Its a toilet… you walk inside, close the door, urinate/defecate, wash your hands and leave, it’s not rocket science 🙄 Some of you people really need to be locked up for the safety of the rest of us.
  11. Go and find a real issue to get outraged by, FMD ! 🤡
  12. I’m a homophobe and I have an endless daily fascination with who goes to which toilet… it’s all I can think of, it consumes me day in and day out. When I do get the chance to briefly think of something else it’s who is sleeping, or NOT sleeping with who… and where ? And just what are they doing…? But then my thoughts return to bathrooms…
  13. Two autocratic, self centred megalomaniacs, geez I didn’t see that coming…
  14. Vinny, or do you never buy one and miss out on the benefits ?
  15. So, they are refusing to discount the cars they don’t have on the lot and therefore can’t sell ? 🤔 Itll be more interesting to see what they do when they have 500 cars they need to sell.
  16. WOW ! Imagine how much fun it’ll be when John finds out that Leks mum is her dad ! Kinky orgy alert !!
  17. First thing you need to do is figure out if you should tell John that his “girlfriend” is possibly trans… Then you can brick your iPhone, buy a new one and then reinstall to a new phone.
  18. OP should of course pork her himself. Only in this way will he establish if the "girlfriend" is a real girl. He can also judge if shes good enough in bed for his mate. Of course if this works we'll have a whole new thread "I porked my best mates girlfriend/ladyboy* should I tell him that shes unfaithful ?" * delete not applicable B)
  19. I asked because imho you do yourself a disservice by appearing to ignore negative ice news and focusing only on bad ev press. If ev get appropriate bad press, so be it. As for the articles above concerning OTA updates etc, it’s one thing if a company goes broke and doesnt provide “ongoing improvements” to a vehicles operating system, after all we have lived our entire lives in this manner. But proprietary systems that render a vehicle unusable in the case of corporate collapse is totally wrong and if the industry is unable to get itself organised then governments need to step in and protect consumers.
  20. Vinny, are you also going to post the poor sales stats for every ice manufacturer ?
  21. I just wanted to say that I’m an uneducated moron who knows nothing of ev’s and I’m warning you ev owners that you are unwittingly driving death traps, in fact you’ll probably be incinerated before you finish reading this post… 🥸🥸🥸
  22. Sorry, can someone knowledgeable in these matters please remind me which ones are the shape shifting lizard people and who’s got the keys to the underground tunnels where the pedophiled children are being fed pizza…? CoOkErS 🤦🏼‍♂️
  23. In the world that’s in your head where society has followed cash into collapse farang can do any job they want because there will be no immigration, no police… Your “job” will be to raise and protect some crops and maybe animals with your family, work permit will be the last on you to do list. ps ive left a spelling mistake so you can block me… 🙄
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