I've not taken a girl back to a hotel room for years in Bangkok, if it was a hotel he went back to they used to take their ID card, does that still happen?
They get read the riot act before the run ashore, a couple of years back a had and American ship commander and his wife rent my villa, I used to have a couple of beers with him, he told me all about Pattaya,
Maybe I have lived here to long, if that happened to me I would really be suspious what's going on here, Or a first time tourist would be thinking that's really nice of them, Not knowing what coming next
It's definitely not funny, I was caught up in one many years ago in BKK, first thing all the lights go on and the music stops, In our case even though we was clear we were made to stay there until they were complete. and we couldn't buy another drink.
After City, Brighton are the most in form team in the league and they play better football than us. Given our defensive problems and the strength of their midfield, I’m not optimistic for a United win today. Also our third game in a week and Wembley saps stamina.
On Airbnb the host can select the minimum nights stay, Don't forget most Airbnb's are not hotels so one nights stays can be difficult to turn over, also more cleaning and laundry, I think 3 nights is about average