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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. They still cant make the headlines in the Daily Mail,
  2. This Switerland guy has opened a can of worms, I'll bet half the big villas in the area have used to Thai nominee's
  3. Most of the ones I know in Phuket are Thai companies, some farangs, they don't care who sells the trips for them and some pay good commissions he could make a few quid. They normally go around to all the car and bike rent shops with their info,
  4. To me it seems like they are getting grassed up by the locals,
  5. Seems like they are going after the Russians today, a couple have been arrested running a car rental business, was on the TV
  6. That's been going on for many years, A farang I knew his wife used to rent bikes them lose them gambling she got run our of town, Years ago we had a shop on the main road with a large forecourt, a Thai guy approached us asking if he could use the forecourts to rent bikes and a couple of cars, he said the very same thing don't rent to Thais, we didn't take up his offer, I have known people here who will not rent property to Thai's and thats Thai owners 555, If you want to talk about racism you should speak to the Burmese,
  7. As far as I know, it's not something new here in Phuket, one friend she charges 3000 baht for bikes and 5000 baht on cars,
  8. I've seen it in the past they operate in gangs with a couple of pimps, they will rent a nice villa or condo,
  9. This occupation is reserved for Thai's only,
  10. Really? where in Phuket if you dont mind me asking? I wonder if any other guys on here have been contacted?
  11. Should be, especially he land department
  12. Here in Phuket we own a couple of condo's and there is quite a lot of spaces both under ground and outside, couple of years back some cheeky Russian running his motor bike rental business from the underground parking space, it' turns out he didn't even live there just had a friend there, Now you have to show your keycard to get in, Im not sure how long before they latched on to him, I did see him myself one day in and out about 3 times on different bikes,
  13. I know one who get arrested in England and deported she should have studying at Uni,
  14. Even if you have kids here, means nothing
  15. Im guessing the swiss guy go down in history,
  16. Lets hope the owner of the villa has got all his ducks in a row, Building permits and so on,
  17. Probably belongs to some poor rental company, now they will have come and get it out, some tourist do some nasty things with the bike and car rentals, I know a couple friends who have quite a lot of vehicles, driving to the airport and dumping it there as they get their flights home, that's a <deleted> trick,
  18. When the offer to get back to Thailand they didn't all accept it, I think there was around 30,000 Thai's, I guess the lure of 80,000 baht a month including accommodation kept them there
  19. I would imagine on that soi there would have been lots of Farang walking about there, all making video's to send back to their mates,

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