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Posts posted by ChipButty

  1. 24 minutes ago, recom273 said:

    when a VIP would visit Songkhla, you would see a police officer every -50M from HY airport for 30km, and now they aren't equipped or prepared .. hub of excuses.

    Some years ago I was staying in HY and one evening I had to drop a friend at the airport on the way I could see police around, sure enough on the way back I got stopped and told to park down this dirt track and turn the engine off, i was there for about 45 minutes until they all went flying by at 100 mph, 

  2. 2 hours ago, Toby1947 said:

    I'll explain your Hotel and Car Hire Company are bull sh#tters. Just want to scam you for as much as possible up front. Just arrive and see the truth, empty hotels and hire cars covered in dust. 

    I can drive around my tamboon and there is many car and bike rental places full with cars standing idle same with the bikes, they are b/s merchants, same with hotels not busy, ok December/January might be showing busy I saw it last year were tourist were getting their bookings cancelled because the owners thought they could get more money, especially villas, 

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