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Posts posted by ChipButty

  1. 36 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    Rent below 30 days in a residence without hotel license is illegal. You could get both owners and juristic office in hot water if you keep reporting, or get someone else to, report the illegal rentals to the police.


    Police wants money. Here's easy picking for them.


    Seems to have worked with condo at the end of Ekkamai with a cimple name, after word got out of police handcuffing and taking tourists away on daily basis...

    Why handcuffing tourist? they are doing nothing illegal it's the owner/landlord, 

  2. 26 minutes ago, Morch said:

    The current fighting is in and around the Gaza Strip. No occupation, no illegal Israeli settlements.


    I've no idea what 'religious capital' means. Israel considers Jerusalem as it's capital, period. The Palestinians  contest this, fine.


    If Hamas wasn't bent on launching rockets at Israel and carrying out terrorist attacks, there would be no sanctions and no blockade. You can ignore history and fact, but it's not like either sanctions, nor blockade were always present in their current form. 


    It's one thing that you constantly deflect, jump from one point to another without addressing even your own comments, it's another when you misrepresent facts.

    The word “Jerusalem” is mentioned more than 660 times in the Hebrew bible and 146 times in the New Testament. Jerusalem, by his name is not mentioned in the Quran, how comes that? when muslims pray the turn their backs on Jerusalem

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  3. 32 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    Israel is occupying Gaza?  News to me. I thought they left something like 15 years ago. After which the businesses and farms they left behind were quickly looted and destroyed by Gazans.



    2005 Israel's unilateral disengagementOn 12 September 2005, the Israeli cabinet formally declared an end to Israeli military occupation of the Gaza Strip.

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  4. 25 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I have to disagree. The states have to abide by the constitution. Israel has no such constraints.

    I don't know what hold the israelis have over the US, but it must be significant.

    Who do the Jews vote for in AMERICA? 

  5. 2 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    It looks like El Al is operating TLV-BKK, at least six flights per week (X FR).


    Some Thais are returning to BKK on this flight today.


    Plenty of seats available.


    I assume many of the Israeli tourists here flew in on El Al, and have a return ticket in hand. I understand that some/many may not wish to return in the near term.



    Make sure you sit on your bullet proof vest, when coming in to land TLV 

  6. 26 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

    Agreed, the vast majority in Gaza seem to support Hamas.  War is Hell.

    ONLY 44% for them, then they took power and said there will be no more elections, I dont think Gazans' have much say in the matter, 

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  7. The Battle of Gog and Magog

    Ezekiel 38–39 speaks of a great battle that will occur in Israel in the “latter days” and that will involve a people from “Magog” led by a king named Gog. Ezekiel described this war as being waged in the “mountains of Israel” against the children of Israel gathered to these lands. The Lord also told Ezekiel He would miraculously save His people from the armies of Magog so that all nations may “know that I am the Lord” (Ezekiel 38:23). Because of these descriptions, Ezekiel seems to be describing the great battle before the Second Coming, commonly known as “Armageddon.”

  8. 32 minutes ago, IamNoone88 said:

    Phuket/Patong Tuk Tuk drivers; Parking everywhere and stopping traffic flows, double parking, aggressively cutting up traffic, emergency breaking in flowing traffic, erratic driving, blasting deafening loud music in residential zones, overcharging, fighting. Did I miss anything?   

    They take over all the parking spaces, recently I wanted to go to a certain restaurant in Karon, we just could not park anywhere, I would say the local business's also lose out, 

  9. 10 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    The really dirty little secret here is that the Palestinians seem to be despised throughout the Arab world. How many Arab countries have offered them sanctuary or territory? Yet, they always use the attacks against them as a rallying cry. 

    Good point you make there, I have worked in a few Arab countries in construction and they get treated not very good they only get the labouring jobs work for peanuts, other Arabs don't think much of them, bye the way they are lazy, 

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