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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. Is anybody surprised? From the day Toxin stepped of that plane, this was the plan
  2. Gone are the days were as the landlord you would go round every week or month and collect your rent, we have some villas we rent out long term and part of the contract it includes a cleaner once a week that way she is our eyes and ears on the property, Especially here in Phuket we know what happens, some years ago a villa next door but one to us, got emptied everything they could get into a fortuna they took,
  3. Airbnb's struggles go beyond people spending less. It's losing some travelers to hotels. https://bit.ly/3SPfQP7
  4. Yes, it is our business to know what's going on, could effect anyone of us,
  5. Airbnb does remind all host of the legal requirement, They do include the link to the immigration web site in the booking conformation email,
  6. Airbnb does have hotels listed just another section,
  7. I told you all weeks ago he was going, September the army will take over,
  8. Not no more Airbnb have clamped right down on that
  9. Using Airbnb month by month can be a good idea just make sure you read the listing description, Right now there has to be some good deals with it being low season, see what is included normally an Airbnb is better equipped, so no need to buy anything, sometime when you rent long term there is the bare minimum, ie no bedding or bedding that has been well used, And as people have already said no paying deposits then the hassle of getting it back, no need to give a months notice to leave,
  10. My experience with Chinese guest they tell me first the Thai's don't speak Chinese and they get ripped off, not just farang get ripped off, Lot of meaning this week about Chinese, better the Thai's take note and improve their service, As for Russians here in Phuket they do tend to stick together, Maybe they think they get better service from their own, it's common knowledge all Thai's want to do is scam people, it's coming back to bite them in their nuts,
  11. Around where I live I think a lot have gone back, summer back in Russia,
  12. Time for these Thai restaurants to up their game and start providing a better service and quality food instead of under cooked pig swill, what they worried about most of them Chinese buffet places I know here in Phuket only Chinese go in them, And the good Thai buffet place that I have been to do not want them Chinese tour groups, they know the locals will avoid the place, The ones i like here in Phuket are the Korean BBQ buffets a bit more expensive but better quality
  13. I made a similar mistake 20 years ago, I didn't find out until I was at the airport, I was going to Singapore for a few days anyway, using my points at the Marriott, when I came back I didn't have a problem, I must admit them days it was a lot easier,
  14. One thing I have to say is you will never starve here in Thailand very generous people they will feed you,
  15. "Jonny Evans lost us the Community Shield" No. It was Marcus Rashford.
  16. Maybe tagged was the wrong wording, then it must be something to do with the bar code, they cannot sell you a beer as it wont go through the till, there was a farang here in Phuket who walked out of a Tops with a packet of razor blades that he had not paid for, they knew about it because they slapped his photo on the front of the shop and on the door, I knew him he live a couple of soi's down from me, what happened after that I dont know,
  17. I'm not complaining about 7/11 they have never let me down,
  18. Could have gone out for an early morning stroll, there is enough cctv around that area, hopefully they will have caught by the end of the day
  19. I am told yes, 7/11 says We Lose, You Lose,
  20. Are all the products not Tagged? if you were to walk out with something that has not been scanned might set an alarm off, It does in Tops bye the way,
  21. Getting guided tours around their condo's for sale,
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