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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. I think you would need to see the contract how it's worded, In high end condo's you might have a designated spot with your number on it, I checked our contract we don't have a designated spot but we are allowed to park for free and that would apply to any tenant we have, but only 1 car per unit, it doesn't mention about the length of time we can park, only to let the juristic office know if you intend to be away for a while and leave a key in case of emergency, Maybe she was only a tenant we don't know, in the future when we have a tenant we will have to include it in the contract that yes he can park but not leave it there for any length of time without informing us, Only one car per unit, not run a car rental business from our car park,
  2. we have a couple of friends who are pharmacist, they are not allowed to even stock certain drugs, even if you got the prescription the only place you can buy is the hospitals, I think they get visits from time to time checking on their stock,
  3. The best I have ever tried was the cannabis oil CBD one drop under your tongue before you go to bed and you sleep like a baby ok I dont have any pains like you, we got some after my wife had 6 sessions of chemo and 30 days of radio, we got it for her and it knocked her out, I just thought I would try it,
  4. In a world class tourist destination like Phuket there is hardly any pavements/sidewalks, Sorry for people in wheelchairs even families with buggies which we experienced recently when my grand daughter was here,
  5. I see covid is still alive and kicking, I bumped into a neighbour the other day who I've not seen for a while, 3 weeks ago he got covid, also not seen his wife she's laid up in hospital in Bangkok with dengue fever she's been there for 10 days she must be in a bad way if they are giving her morphine injections the husband tells me, people are dropping like flies,
  6. I would imagine most condo owners have not read the rules, you buy a condo and there is parking so one space is for you as an owner, we have a condo but we don't live there, and there is parking but now thinking about it there is not enough for every condo owner, we don't have our own spot to park were ever is available, I'll have to get her indoors to have a read just in case I need to inform a tenant, upto now we have never had a problem in 6 years next month, although I did suspect some dodgy Russian running a bike rental business from there parking his bikes in the underground car park,
  7. I thought they wanted to boost tourism? I dont use it and never have but I don't see a problem if it's done in controlled areas like all these shops that have opened, You see people drinking and sitting outside the minimarts having a beer I don't see the difference Just down the road from me in one of the soi's there is a cannabis farm if thats what you call them, what will happen to that? on a fair sized plot of land I remember it when the land was empty,
  8. It's cheaper to park at the airport, 1000 baht is a bit steep, pays you to read the rules,
  9. There was a farang near me, thought he would get the outside of the house painted while he was away for a few weeks, so he's got the painter to come around and give an estimate, ok straight forward job same colour "White" everything was agreed, the farang gave him money not all of it but enough to get on with the job, final payment when he comes back, no problem, so he thought. He comes back after 3 weeks he almost drives past his own house, why? they had painted it purple he blew a gasket WTF is that I told you white, the reply from the painters We thought you would like it, 555, I thought at the time maybe they had a few buckets of purple paint left over from another job, then spent the money,
  10. I have known cases in my area were they wanted the poo yai baan as a witness
  11. There was a farang here some years ago bought a bar, he called me one day asking if I knew a good electrician he wanted to make some changes, I know 2 but they dont come cheap if you want a good job doing. I called the one who lived nearest to the bar and asked to take a look, later the electrician called me and said he's not doing the job unless the farang completely rewires the place, I asked why, he said the previous owners had used speaker cable for all the lights, it must been glowing,
  12. I think rule number one dont use anybody recommended family member, Rule number two dont use HP free installations guys, last year the wife wanted a new washing machine and they said free install, what could go wrong I thought take the old one out and put the new one in, same place that turned into a nightmare I flirted them off and did it myself, I've been through a few clowns over the years, now I have a good team of guys who I can call on, I spent all my life in the construction industry so I can usually tell by looking at them, if they get their tools out and it looks like a bag of scrap iron you know what kind of job you will get, It doesn't stop just in the construction, a couple of years ago I had a flat battery on my truck so I called the local tyre and battery place down the road they came right out with a new battery but put it on the wrong way round and blew all the fuses, <deleted> idiots, red to red and black to black, I had to call another garage to come and fix the truck, My list would be endless on here,
  13. If it's anything like Phuket then Thai people wont do them jobs, give them a permit and let them work for them it's about survival and they are getting paid peanuts, life is bad enough for some of them,
  14. ChipButty


    when covid started we couldn't get any decent bread then we couldn't even leave the area, so that was the start of my wife making our bread, she took a liking to making all the Italian breads, she still makes it
  15. how come the authorities didn't pick up on this sooner? did everybody in that village just turn a blind eye,
  16. in another report thats a woman holding a baby
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