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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. Burger King had some offer on the other week, Buy one get One so i thought i'll stop on the way back, well that was the idea, can only order it on the app ok i'll download the app and order it, then the guy tells me only for delivery, WTF? even the thai woman behind me stopped to get the same offer, the staff didn't really understand the offer even they were confused I know it doesn't take much
  2. They have an English brand in tops, they do in Phuket
  3. Serious there is nothing all i remember about Loei is banging a teacher from a collage there, never to go back, I would go as far as Udon that was it,
  4. Im partial to a few English style pork pies and a bit of mustard if I can get them M&S
  5. 555 her mother was, to my wife it's like hobby especially ASIAN Fusion and the photo's cannot touch until she's done
  6. My wife makes me a top Lasagna I think better than any restaurant
  7. Possible, lets say the first time you get strain A and the next time you get strain D the virus fight against each other in your body, well something like that
  8. one thing i did notice recently a lot not cooked properly like under cooked, have you ever seen Thai's make toast? just like warm bread one night we went to a well known place here in Phuket one of the family ordered a burger it wasn't cooked inside
  9. you cant beat cooking at home you know exactly whats gone into it and how old it it, last month I had family here they stayed in a hotel in Karon every night was a nightmare where to go and what to eat, I have to say most of the places we went to was garbage all aimed at tourist disappointed to say the least, it wasn't made easy as we had 3 none pork eating muslims and a vegetarian it was not easy, How them restaurants get away with it i don't know, and the tourist think it's great, and they know how to charge, My grand daughter wanted a Hot Dog 340 baht in the hotel I said you are <deleted> joking.........? she's not even 3 years old, disgusting.
  10. might be something to do with the different strains, im told 5 different ones
  11. Because of covid she started making Bread and still does,
  12. Im not allowed in the kitchen, but my wife is a great cook she cooks almost everyday and she will do farang food for me, pies as well she tends to make a big one in a Pyrex dish, I get alsorts even Thai style pizzas,
  13. Getting Dengue is one way of losing weight, I ended up in hospital for 5 days I think I was a day away from being put in ICU,
  14. according to the news on TV they cut him up with a chainsaw must have made a right mess somewhere,
  15. and a cat never sheets in it's own doorstep
  16. maybe use BOLT if its available in that area
  17. a cat is a problem the place stinks
  18. Didn't some guy a couple of years back in Bangkok get fined about $3500 for keeping dogs in a condo? anyway it's not hygienic to keep pets in a condo I have a friend who rented out her condo for 1 year and the tenants smuggled a cat in which is against the condo rules, that's it the condo is ruined she might have to take up the laminated floor the place stinks of cat pi$$ the curtains are ruined
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