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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. The police drive around my area looking for them, our cleaner tells us all the stories, you were lucky only 2000 baht I know of a story were it was 12,000 baht for 2 of them and to get the bike back which the police also confiscated,
  2. These people are just trying to survive on peanuts, give them a break
  3. Start at the airports, where do we report any corruption? asking for a friend
  4. They could go through every government department and find similar results, start with the land department,
  5. they are still arriving, according to Booking.com in Phuket Russians are number one followed by Saudi Arabia
  6. The Largest Beachfront village in Southern Phuket already coming up out of the ground Im told Russians so you better get used to them,
  7. I don't mind the Russians I get on ok with them and over the years we have had lots of Russian guests, I could think of other nationalities who have been worse than Russians, One thing I do notice they don't complain they just get on with it, since the start of the war we have had a few Russians all of them have been great, 2 couples left Russia and were living in Turkey, one couple left us to go back to Turkey pick up his car and drive to Spain and then go to Argentina, his wife was pregnant not only the baby can get citizenship the parent do, The ones I have spoke to here want the war to stop, one woman her mother was Ukrainian she was worried the world will hate Russians, they were a nice couple,
  8. Judging bye the amount of Russians I see with babies if they had the babies here in Thailand are the allowed Thai citizenship?
  9. Try Facebook groups all the agents usually advertise there, they do in Phuket
  10. His company could have bought it, big enough
  11. we want to believe him, but some of us have lived here a long time,
  12. I noticed in the big makro have a big range of Indian products also I noticed lots of Indian snacks in the freezers quite tasty the ones I have had,
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