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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. Shipping him back would be a problem and costly,
  2. Thais are just as bad, I had it happen yesterday in the local shop, the sky train used to be bad for it, they are all trying to pile in and you are trying to get off,
  3. I think you find many dont make the news, I live in Rawai and the other week a young Russian guy killed himself on a bike, I didnt see it in the news
  4. Prior to covid the Chinese independent traveler used give us quite a far bit business in the low season upto now nothing this year,
  5. It's coming to the end of the month, Contractor has got no money to pay them, so get them arrested. It's not difficult for the Burmese to get a work permit, many here in Phuket I personally know 2 and they are all legal and above board,
  6. Not only that beach, Huge problems around Nai Harn in Phuket, ride your bike around the lake and packs of them come running out, many people have come off their bikes, one of my friends did I had to take him to hospital, I think some years ago the Chinese tourist did a lot of complaining about the amount of stray dogs in my area,
  7. When I first came to live in Bangkok many years ago now I lived in Suk soi 2 nice big apartment with a good sized pool I hardly ever saw anybody swim I did use it everyday especially at night, On a Sunday a Japanese girl used to come and put an alarm clock on the sunbed and walk up and down the pool reading a book,
  8. There is a load of video's on YT where they go around the streets in the US just asking general knowledge questions the answers or lack of are amazing,
  9. Maybe some of our Ex Police members on here could tell what happens surely when they take someone into custody who is that drunk before you lock him up you would have a doctor give him a checkup and how drunk he was, and maybe take a blood sample? Yes I know we are in Thailand,
  10. Lots of Thai's I know dont even like him, When I asked why he never admitted to being Thai,
  11. Just happened to my neighbour, not that amount, the place is empty and nobody has lived there since before covid,
  12. A few weeks ago I was having breakfast with some family, educated and wealthy ones, they asked me the question who I think will win the election, I was just taking a guess and said Paetongtarn, to be honest I'm not really that interested, they all said no,
  13. My wife is pretty smart apart from speaking good English we can discuss things daily sometimes she surprises me with the things she does know,
  14. I guess to most Thai's it doesn't matter, they already think Thailand is the center of the Universe, I would also question them on Geography,
  15. I've not taken a girl back to a hotel room for years in Bangkok, if it was a hotel he went back to they used to take their ID card, does that still happen?
  16. A Policeman once told me suicide is only 10cm of paper, murder is 30 cm of paper
  17. A reputable company like Airbnb and that would not happen, In the past when we used to try FB market place all we got was Cheap Charlies,
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