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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. 1 hour ago, Pattayabeerbacon said:


    its hopeless, I told my father i dont want to live in Australia because i was lonely and couldn't find a girlfriend, He just told me to keep labouring and stop going to thailand and hold a job.


    what am i supposed to do? be a lonely shitkicker for the rest of my days?

    im beginning to not give a shit if i live or die, I am already drinking myself to death slowly.

    Not easy to drink yourself to death in Australia other than slowly, grog prices are stupidly high.

    Tax! the curse of the drinking man.

    Chin up mate.


    • Haha 1
  2. If you do not have the Blue Book in your name you do not own the car. You need a certificate of residency before the car can be transfered to you, I presume it is a car otherwise for a motorcycle it would be a green book.

    Get it sorted before venturing to the mainland, the vehicle you think you own could belong to anybody and still have money owing on it under a payment plan.

    • Like 1
  3. There are some funny buggers on here. "Thais do not eat beef" Struth.

    My wife and the rest of the family love it only they eat it marinated, raw.

    They think I must be crazy when I cook my share on the BBQ.


    Issan folk will eat anything and everything that will not kill them. Well at least in my neck of the woods and generally with their mouth open.

  4. 17 minutes ago, soistalker said:

    No, I am not. Who I am is someone who was raised by parents who required proper table manners. This meant not chewing with our mouths open, not making sounds whilst eating or drinking, not ripping food apart with hands like a caveman, and certainly no noises from burping or flatulence. These necessities I taught to my children. If your parents did not instill these table manners in you, and you dont care if others eat like pigs or dogs, then that is you and your experience. 

    At to those who deny that this is a widespread thing, you are either liars or have poor eyesight.

    Totally agree with you, trying to teach my daughter table manners and at almost 5 she is getting there.

    Oh and the wife is getting alot better using a knife and fork 555

  5. Not easy being a Taxi driver, I only drove in Brisbane, Aust and that had its moments.

    We did use the meter unless there was a special request for an extended hire.


    If in Thailand I expect the meter to be used and most times it is.


    Mind you I often refused to take passengers if I thought they where going to spew up in my Cab or where drunk to the eyeballs.


    BKK traffic. well you can hardely blame the drivers for not wanting to brave that.

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