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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. No a non-return valve at the pump will not fix your problem. If your foot valve is broken ie.. non return flap incorperated in the foot valve is stuck open then you need to replace the foot valve or repair same.













  2. On 6/3/2019 at 10:10 AM, thaiguzzi said:

    V7 Guzzi and the Ducati Scramblers, 797 Monsters are of similar size.

    I have never found the liquid cooled modern Monsters attractive.

    Far too busy in the engine dept. Hoses, radiators, bits'n'bobs everywhere... All a bit of an untidy mess.

    The last of the attractive liquid cooled Monsters was the S4 about 12-15 years ago.

    Ditto, the prettiest air cooled Monsters were the S2 line from the same period.


    Again, some great S/H bargains out there if you want an 821.

    Had the S2R 1000 Monster, new in 2006, silver and black, sold it last year before moving here.

    One of the best Ducati's I ever had.


    900 SS..1982

    906 Paso..1990

    M750 Monster..2000

    S2R 1000 Monster..2006

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  3. Had a Gekho fry itself on my AC control board (split system) got the new board online for 1400 baht and replaced it myself. Works fine until the next gekho finds it's way into the unit.

    The fault code was easy enough to trace. My service man charges 400 baht per visit to clean the unit but I think I will just do that little job myself in future.

  4. 2 hours ago, DavisH said:

    Do you mean use your Thai licence to get an Australian licence at a later date? You may want to double check that. I did check ages ago, and found thaty you would have to be retested if you just have the Thai licence. In contrast, a US, NZ, Singapore licence, would be accepted. I think there is a list online of which licences are acceptable. 

    From what I have gleand from the Qld site a Thai licence is worth less than a brass razoo. Go back to zero. Not much faith in the Thai system, for very good reasons.

  5. 1 hour ago, Pattayabeerbacon said:


    its hopeless, I told my father i dont want to live in Australia because i was lonely and couldn't find a girlfriend, He just told me to keep labouring and stop going to thailand and hold a job.


    what am i supposed to do? be a lonely shitkicker for the rest of my days?

    im beginning to not give a shit if i live or die, I am already drinking myself to death slowly.

    Not easy to drink yourself to death in Australia other than slowly, grog prices are stupidly high.

    Tax! the curse of the drinking man.

    Chin up mate.


    • Haha 1
  6. If you do not have the Blue Book in your name you do not own the car. You need a certificate of residency before the car can be transfered to you, I presume it is a car otherwise for a motorcycle it would be a green book.

    Get it sorted before venturing to the mainland, the vehicle you think you own could belong to anybody and still have money owing on it under a payment plan.

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