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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. 11 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    Ah age related digestive issues, very common,  you should ask the day nurse to feed you only bland food.  "Khao  Tom" is ideal for your sort, but make sure to consume it with some bread and butter, and wash it down with some milky tea.  You could ask matron tonight when she is tucking you into your adult pampers  before lights out  or is it too late for that ? it is 8:30 pm after all. 



    Goodnight Mister Ed.

    Quickest mind in the known universe.

    Love your work

  2. 17 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

     I'm not normally one of the grammar police, but shouldn't you have used the plural "pussies"  it fits the rest of the attempted insult much more appropriately  


    interesting use of the word "we"     presumably referring to your fellow geriatric keyboard warriors,  (AKA pussies)  whose contribution to any uprising would be limited to posting a few sad faced emojis on a website like this,  in between bouts of incontinence, and before your afternoon nap of course,   Although in the case of a revolution I imagine the internet will be shut down , along with the day room so that will be a double whammy for you to contend with

    No fella I stated "pussy" because I was referring to you specifically. 

    I just vomited a little in my mouth whilst reading your pathetic retort.

    • Haha 1
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  3. 2 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    I sat at a bar and watched hundreds of old farang  guys with Thai ladies .


    I sat and stared at one guy ,late 60's tubby wearing a collared shirt ,shorts and sandals ,grey balding hair .

    I could hear him shouting to another farang something about his ex wife 


    I watched and studied him ,where are his family back home?

    I thought ,wonder what his I presume ex wife be doing now?


    he was gyrating with the young Thai lady laughing as she bent over dancing in front of him.


    I started to think of this man's past as I sat staring at him , I wonder what his life was like 20 years ago back in farang land ,where his ex wife is ? His kids he had 


    Then  he went to the bathroom in the bar .


    I followed him ,he said hello mate in his British accent


    I immediately followed with a "where is your ex wife?

    Did you leave your kids?


    The shocked look on his face as he stood washing his hands ,his lower lip was quivering stunned as a mullet 

    The strangest thing he said which doesn't make sense was 

    "Oh I didn't see this coming !" did she send you ?


    I again repeated the question, " you left your ex wife didn't you "

    You left your kids ! 



    Then I walked out of  the bar ,he was still inside I presume quivering hands under the tap bent over looking stunned ,  stunned as a mullet that a complete stranger would say such a thing to him !!


    Hard to describe the shocked look on his face in the face as he just went into a shocked look ,it went from a happy drunk *hello mate" to a look like this emoji 😳😳 the little thing I remember was after he was shocked his hands were not rubbing together under the tap ,he just stopped looking sideways at me bent over the sink shocked , funniest thing I ever saw 


    My regret is not going back to my seat in the bar to see if he left that bathroom with tears in his eyes !


    And I asked you the sad question too

    If you live in Thailand Philippines Vietnam Cambodia etc now .....where is your REAL family ?


    What happened? Did you leave them, did you have a life family kids years ago ? , such sadness 


    What happened between you and your then wife to split up ?


    Have you ever made contact with her again ?


    Do your children who obviously would be if adult age ever forgive you ?

    Do they still make contact knowing you left them and the mother behind ?


    Does she know where you are nowadays 




    You've outdone yourself with this one.

    Struth fella, I'm overwhelmed by your empathy.

    Get real.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Danderman123 said:

    You mean mad at Congressional Republicans who refuse to do anything about the election. 

    I think things in USA are a lot like everywhere, nobody really gives a flying .... because we can't do much anyway.

    The general public has no say and no power to change the direction of the world. We are all just part of the global factory.

    Never mind. A.I will save us all. 55

    • Agree 1
  5. On 3/8/2024 at 2:11 PM, ThaiPauly said:

    Ridiculous. post   


    ...I never experienced this problem in CM.

    I never knew there WAS a problem with plastic bags in HH until I got here.

    I am definatley not here because it's better.

    It's different.

    That's all.


    You can save this post for a newbie trying to change the visa laws....not me, a 20 year resident

    Well said fella. 

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