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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. Had my truck parked up for 10 months year before last and rats, mice moved in. Took months to get rid of the stench from the A/C.

    They ate through the window washer pipes and used the bonnet liner for nesting material.

    The wife said she checked every week, 555

    You can treat for rodents with an anti-rodent spray, about 100 thb. A bottle lasts quite awhile, does it work ??? Jury is still out.

  2. You can get colour bond gutters in most colours from your local roofing shop. Bluescope is what I used.

    A good quality silicon sealer and pop rivets for the joints and droppers.

    I fitted it myself and no problems apart from a mango tree branch falling and bending a couple of the high tensile brackets at one end.

  3. 19 hours ago, watthong said:





    To be a bigot and spew hateful vitriols is one thing
    Not to have the spine to stand up as one but hide behind some pc-correctness veil ("do not hate gays," "not against civil rights minorities") is another.
    Nah, I don't deal with creatures that crawl.

    Your reply reminds me how shallow your ilk is. Bottom (no pun intended) feeder comes to mind.

    I will leave your ilk to participate in your own perverted designs.

    Not going to wish you luck though.

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