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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. 15 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

    This guy in BKK is ready(just a little early).  Now he has time to upgrade his equipment.  Apparently he thought the water gun fights would last for 3 weeks and not 3 days.  The article says he is a visitor from China. 


    Struth I really do dislike the Chinese.


  2. 1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

                     I am actually surprised there are people like that here, I didn't think people of that nature were even attracted to places like Thailand, I'm sure they didn't exist here years ago and I personally have never knowingly met anybody of that nature  in real life,   Where do they live?  where do they socialise, do they actually have any real friends?  How do their ex bargirl wives even cope with them?  

                    My guess is they can normally be found safely tucked away in their gated communities, splitting their time between shopping in "Tops"  and the golf course or chairing meetings of their residents association . Then, in the evenings they retire to their "office" with their glass of red wine  and scour websites like this looking for anything that they can vent their pent up frustrations on from behind the safety of their keyboards

                     One such person on this thread has actually posted his own proposals for stricter immigration rules.! :cheesy: predictably consisting of" deportation and a ban"  starting off  for a mere 7 days overstay and gravitating to a " life time ban"  sad  but true

                      Do these sanctimonious geriatrics, encouraging others to become police informants, understand that even cutting their own manicured lawns or trimming the roses could theoretically land them in the IDC as they themselves become a deportation statistic.  The Thai immigration authorities will not consider them any differently from a Russian mafioso or a German overstayer despite their own perceived social status as quality expats 

                     What goes around tends to come around, people should be careful what they wish for

    As one of your so called geriatric brigade I hope you have a wonderful life.

    Nah, really, go get a black dog fair up ya.


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  3. On 3/17/2024 at 3:40 PM, GarryP said:

    We want to to have a water borehole drilled at the front of our house. Problem is that access is quite limited. Maybe a pickup could fit but not a 6 wheel truck, so trying to find alternatives in my area. Doesn't look that promising.   

    Of if give a drilling crew a job they will find a way.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    Ah age related digestive issues, very common,  you should ask the day nurse to feed you only bland food.  "Khao  Tom" is ideal for your sort, but make sure to consume it with some bread and butter, and wash it down with some milky tea.  You could ask matron tonight when she is tucking you into your adult pampers  before lights out  or is it too late for that ? it is 8:30 pm after all. 



    Goodnight Mister Ed.

    Quickest mind in the known universe.

    Love your work

  5. 17 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

     I'm not normally one of the grammar police, but shouldn't you have used the plural "pussies"  it fits the rest of the attempted insult much more appropriately  


    interesting use of the word "we"     presumably referring to your fellow geriatric keyboard warriors,  (AKA pussies)  whose contribution to any uprising would be limited to posting a few sad faced emojis on a website like this,  in between bouts of incontinence, and before your afternoon nap of course,   Although in the case of a revolution I imagine the internet will be shut down , along with the day room so that will be a double whammy for you to contend with

    No fella I stated "pussy" because I was referring to you specifically. 

    I just vomited a little in my mouth whilst reading your pathetic retort.

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