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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. 12 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    It also highlights the white guys that haven't managed to escape their culture of 'vagina worship'.

    I've not noticed many desperate women in go-gos.

    But I've found plenty of lazy/drug addicts/alcoholics/party girls there.


    That being said, they do deserve to be paid, but business fail and sometimes employers can't or won't fulfill their obligations to staff.

    And in that event the staff have every right to seek redress as these women are doing. 

    As for vagina worship, I don't see how either their job or their sex has anything to do with them deserving to be paid the agreed upon amount. 


    In fact the only way it is relavent here is in the reaction of the posters to both their sex and the job they do which seems to make them undeserving of fair treatment in the eyes of so many. 

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  2. On 10/30/2019 at 4:37 PM, RJRS1301 said:

    Umm hotel workers, know many people and a diversity of friends, some many be sex workers,(sometimes they have the same clients) and they share professional stories, when they socialise or network



    Why bother answering someone who so obviously believes only what he wants to beleive.


    You can't fight stupidity or bigotry or misogyny with logic. 

  3. On 10/29/2019 at 4:15 PM, Mikeasq60 said:

    Did the Thai boyfriend of girls baby daddy pay sin sod to girls mama and daddy. Oh hell no,  and did Thai daddy pay for baby to be born. Double hell no. Does Thai baby daddy pay child support after they dump mother with his baby. Again no,  farang pay for his baby yes. And child support again yes. Thai lady must be taught in school and home early on how to keep legs closed! 

    A Fine human being you have turned out to be. 


    This thread is yet another of those threads that appear on Thaivisa that serve to identify how mysogynistic and callous so many of the posters here are. 





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  4. On 10/29/2019 at 11:07 AM, LazySlipper said:


    Well... by doing this they are making sure that the girls will NEVER get paid. And who says the BIB are never on the foreigners' side.   Kinda sad... 

    Thai labour courts are very effective and worker focused. 


    The question is whether or not the owner can be located and if there is any money in the coffers to be paid. 

  5. On 10/29/2019 at 10:41 AM, colinneil said:

    She said, everyone was tired and fed up- they were forced to dance in high heels for 7- 8 hours a day.

    Sorry girl nobody forced you to do it, you and the others chose to flash your bodies for money.

    So you beleive it is acceptable not to pay someone for work done. 


    Are you saying they deserved to be cheated of wages earned? 

  6. Not knowing the story, I suspect they were both in the wrong, but suspect the asshat with the bike more so. It takes quite a bit to make somebody snap like that. 


    Not Chiang Mai, but I cycle daily  in Bangkok, and getting through traffic quickly and efficiently is one of the reasons I do it. For exercise I will ride to a park - suan rot fai, lumpini, queen sirirkit - where I can ride a measured loop in relative peace, for errands, I share the road with everyone else. My experience is that drivers are used to motorcycles and give a bicycle a pretty wide berth. In most cases, if congested, you are moving much faster than motorized traffic, even motorcycles. 


    I question how it is more unsafe, especially since things move much more slowly at rush hour. 


    Cycling at night is a different story especially in traffic as it is harder for drivers to see you coming unless you are lit up very well, the danger evening's and after dark is more of being hit by an opening  door than a moving car. 


    If you take a bike on public transit, the onus is on you to be as unobtrusive as possible. 


    Again speaking from Bangkok experience, I used to take my daughter to school mornings on Skytrain with my bike in tow, once I dropped her off, I would do 20 km or so on the way home. Without her accompanying me, I can't imagine why I would undertake the hassle 9f public transport. 

  7. 16 hours ago, alacrity said:




    Really? Please expand upon your version of the color and your knowledge of why some WW2 spitfires were silver.


    Noted you didn't comment on other discrepancies.


    And now he is bickering over trivia. Well done sir!

  8. 17 hours ago, alacrity said:

    Doesn't say much for yours either. Having needed to ask the question in the first place.

    I don't recall asking a question. In fact I did not ask a question, so I'm not sure what exactly you are on about. 


    As for the Spitfire, I'm well aware of what one is, what amused me wha the hyperbole used to describe the previously unheard of Silver Spitfire and its heritage. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    No it doesn't. The flavour (note the U) comes from the other ingredients in it, ie hops, barley, wheat. The alcohol is merely a byproduct of the yeast and sugar. If what you say is correct, then 40% ABV Kurov vodka would taste the same as McCallan Single Malt.

    Heineken 0% is quite a reasonable taste, especially in the daytime. But why give up, just drink in moderation or go to AA ! 


    Sorry Clarky, I just Googled Antabuse. Best of luck with it.

    I really wasn't asking you, and your response is ridiculously reductive at best.


    and spare me the pedantry regarding english vs us spellings.

    As for the why give up and AA references, what?



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  10. i do not have an answer to your question, sorry.

    that said, i love beer, but can not see the point in drinking it when it my intention to avoid alcohol (which it generally is lately as a hangover seems to knock me down for days)


    no need to answer this, but it is a question made of genuine curiosity rather than a desire to take the <deleted>. but why bother at all, the flavor goes hand in hand with the alcoholic content?

    wouldn't it make more sense just to give it up altogether, to learn to move away from the habit?

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