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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. 2 hours ago, friend of siam said:

    well he show the victory sign....it might that he will stay in los much longer very much longer ...how ?

    look 5 years are 365 times 5 comes to 1825 days one day overstay costs 500 bhat ( pls. correct me if I am wrong ) to the max of 20000 in top comes the fines for not reporting 90 days that makes 4000 each time...5 y are 20 reports equals 80000 bhat plus your ticket home..so roughly 200000 bhat otherwise you will stay in a cramped thai immigration cell indefinitely there you have to buy your own food because if u eat what they give you for free you will die of malnutrition or disease ...as a europaen very soon...




    mr. british ..mr falang dreamers of all colours..thailand is only nice if u have money lots of money..here money talks louder than anywhere in the world..if you need help or done wrong ( thai definition ) u are in life threatening troubles in no time ..unless above applys means you have money plenty of money...

    if you are a rohinga..a asylum seeker they will hold u as slaves use u river kwai style...

    You are wrong, max overstay fine 20000 baht. Didn't bother reading past that. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Solinvictus said:

    They are both available. I received both on my visit. However, the Thai THC oil is labeled 'Premium CBD.'  The other hemp oil is labeled 'JM-1.'

    hmm. interesting. 

    and are vape cartridges available?

  3. On 10/5/2019 at 2:52 PM, Nyezhov said:

    I would just like to ask the more sophisticated  expats here if they have ever heard of a farang getting busted with weed and being put on  "probabation".


    Dude, if you are telling us all this bull*** about how you get legal weed here in Thailand, do me a favour...walk to the Police Box in Thong Lo with your marijuana card on a lanyard around your neck and fire up a fat doobster right in front. Dont bogart it, maybe the cops want a toke. Let me know how it goes.


    Oh Im sorry, only oils are legal. Thats OK, stop by Nana and buy a dab rig and wack down some oil instead of a doobie. 

    Impressive command of the vernacular indeed. 

  4. 4 hours ago, jerojero said:

    Cloud based solutions are far cry from artificial intelligence. Think AI purported by Thai officials is simply a buzz word b..s.. Sounds high tech, progressive, and 1st worldly. However as we know, the Kingdom has LONG way to go to get firmly into a 2nd world rank.

    perhaps reading the article might have alerted you to the fact that thailand is simply one of the markets and the tech and company are international.

    you might also have noted that not one single thai "official" has been quoted nor have any thais been mentioned.

  5. On 9/15/2019 at 9:41 PM, samsensam said:


    went there about four/five years ago and got some nice photos, i pass the place occasionally but the locals seem to have blocked off the way in - unless you know different? or another way in?

    actually some local wakeboarders did a winch shoot there recently but access wasnt simple



    unorthodox, but interesting.


  6. 8 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Passport copies are not required for the mother or child.

    Child may not have a ID card if under 7. Only a copy of their house book registry is is required and it can be signed by you.

    Mothers ID card and house book registry signed by her are not normally asked for. Good to have with you if possible just incase asked for them.


    as ever, thank you.

  7. On 8/21/2019 at 1:26 PM, ubonjoe said:

    You can still get a multiple entry non-o visa in Savannakhet without any financial proof.

    Many recent reports about it.

    Certainly no agent is needed.

    Is this currently still true for parent of a Thai child (on birth cert)? 


    I was under the impression single entry was the only possible option. 


    Also to clarify: 


    Requirements are birth cert original plus copies

    Mothers ID and or passport copy

    Childs ID and or passport copy

    House book copy (need this be signed?) 


    Ah, I see marriage visa, sorry, misread, but other questions still stand

  8. 2 hours ago, fforest1 said:

    There is nothing hidden about it most processed food does contain salt ......Just read the label........

    Did you see the part where I said high "or" hidden? 


    Amusing you would suggest to just read the label, when apparently you are unable to read a simple post. 


    You know most people won't read a label, often in such small print as to be illegible. 


    Many here on thaivisa seem to purposely misunderstand what they are reading because it fits better with whatever axe they have to grind. 


    While I do not defend the notion of the tax, nor even consider it sensible, the story is pretty clear - the government wants to limit the intake of salt by implementing a tax on processed or prepared foods which despite being appropriately labeled (if indeed they are) contain a large potentially unhealthy amount of sodium. The rationale or efficacy of this strategy I have deliberately not addreed. 


    Taxing salt or fish sauce themselves has not been suggested because these are simply additives, one might say staples, common in day to day usage and not, in themselves, misleading or abused. 

  9. 15 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

    I somehow find this hard to impossible to believe. More like trying to make a mark for himself under the guise of health safety but all the while the government takes businesses for a new ride.
    Don't think he is finished as he will try to up the ante with some other hair brained idea again.


    Why would they not tax fish sauce or salt itself?

    Because they are after prepared or processed foods foods that may have a high or even hidden salt content. 

  10. 45 minutes ago, garrya said:

    Op is bashing farangs because of a few bitter geezers. Op implies that farangs mainly talk <deleted> about Thai people for no reason.

    I have tried to show that the reality is slightly different. There are justifiable reasons why westerners talk <deleted> about Thailand. 



    Yeah, but you actually didn't say any of that though did you? 


    And nobody actually argues that Thailand doesn't have sigficant room for improvement, or myriad flaws, however, op is not talking about mere criticism, it is talking about the outright disdain and disrespect often shown by foreigners towards Thailand and its people as a whole. 


    So while I'm sorry your wife wants to leave Thailand, and has had difficulty resettling here, I suspect she does not think it is filled with backward morons and a culture of stupidity as is often put forth here. 



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