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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. 4 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    What a load of BS. You haven't read the numerous threads posted of tourists being denied entry with a valid visa in this section: https://forum.thaivisa.com/forum/1-thai-visas-residency-and-work-permits/

    Oh, I haven't, have I? 


    Many thanks for a link to a sub forum I had completely overlooked. Who knew thaivisa had an entire section dedicated to Thai visas? 


    I am forever in your debt. 


    • Haha 1
  2. 35 minutes ago, Sticky Wicket said:

    mountain bike, kite surf, wakeboard, rock climb, hike - not exactly the country for much of that!

    Hardly any decent clubs here either!

    How would you know? Are you active? 


    Hua hin and koh Phangan and that area to the south have excellent kite surfing conditions for a decent part of the low season, and quite a decent number of folks travel specifically to do an early winter season here.


    Chiang Mai has excellent Mountain bike trails and hosts an annual downhill race, with a number of operations renting high quality bikes and offering tours and guide service. 


    Thai wakepark in Bangkok is considered one of the best in the world, with visiting pros wintering here as well. Phuket has 3 wakeparks, again, world class. Bangkok now has 3 wakeparks, Pattaya has 1, there is 1 in Hua hin as well, but it's not as good the kite surfers appreciate it when there is no wind tho. 


    At this time of year Facebook and Instagram are filled with stories and videos of people riding in Thailand and the philipines. Many spend 3 to 4 months here publishing content, and many others save their pennies to ride with the best over the winter. 


    I wakeboard at least 2 days a week in Bangkok, and meet people from around the world every time I ride. 2 of the best riders in the world call Thai wakepark home after growing up here and influence obstacle design and park layout. 


    One of the biggest obstacles only series of the year, plastic playground has Thai wakepark as a permanent stop with another international competition slated for a new park in rangsit come the new year 


    Many if the wakeparks have attached hotels which are full for the season. 


    The point is many come here for reasons other than sitting in a bar with a pint, a prostitute, and a turgid erection. 


    Regarding the clubs, yes, you are right sadly, the spaces and soundsystem are ok, but sadly Thailand has gone the way of lowest common denominator edm for the kids. 


    There are a few holdouts in Bangkok that play some decent off the mainstream stuff, but to be honest I can't be bothered anymore and prefer to get my kicks in daylight. 


    To imagine Thailand is limited to the bar scene is myopic and living in the past. 


    • Like 2
  3. 7 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    U don’t seem to understand that a negative online vibe from long stayers will stop tourists from visiting as well.

    Also most of us got loads of overseas friends and relatives to short time visiting us (TOURISTS) here but since lots of expats have left so now their overseas friends and relatives won’t visit either..furthermore if Thailand expats in this forum are posting  here that Vietnam has very easy visas is cheap and clean beaches etc etc. So any foreigners who are. reading this before booking a flight where do u think they will go to?

    Do you think that on a Vietnam forum they are talking how great things are in Thailand?

    And you seem to think that thaivisa is an online community that has any credibility with people under 40.


    What is even more laughable is retirees complaining about exchange rates and the growing price of a Chang and a short time thinking they are members of the expat community. 


    • Like 2
    • Confused 4
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  4. 3 hours ago, SteveK said:

    Isn't that the junta's intention? To get all the tourists out of Pattaya, at least the ones that go for what the city is famous for? To get rid of red-light areas and improve the country's reputation internationally? If that's the case then something is working.

    It doesn't matter. The bar scene has been dying for the last 15 years, times have changed, things move on. 

  5. 3 hours ago, moe666 said:

    There you have it dying demographic, a while back read a good article of why Cook went bankrupt and it was a dying demographic. Those of us who liked to sit around the bar drinking beers all day and night are a dying bred being replaced with a younger traveler who wants to do stuff as opposed to having stuff done to them. Chiang Mai is actually running a good crowd of tourist some older folks in groups as well as young backpackers. Setting at my local drinks stand 4 got out of a songtaw with all there junk looked like just off the bus or train and there are more of the folks showing up every day

    Exactly, people want to do something - mountain bike, kite surf, wakeboard, rock climb, hike - the cheap sex and and gogos are a side show maybe for a chuckle.


    they would rather go clubbing and dance on a night out, they more interested in <deleted> each other or a like minded local than a girl from the streets in borrowed heels. 


    The beer bar and the guy with bar girl tottering beside him are anthropological curiosities to shake their heads at and perhaps pity. 



    • Like 1
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  6. Haven't been in years, but mr balance, top floor panthip plaza used to do repairs. 


    They deal in used hi end stuff


    The manufacturers of ten have service centers as well. 


    Are we talking about a vintage hi end system, or recent consumer goods? 


    If it's lower end consumer stuff you may be out of luck. 


    Pioneer should also have a distributor that can do repairs. I search them out. 

  7. 8 hours ago, otaku00 said:

    Thank u for sharing your story because some may believe it is uncommon.


    Out of economical interest i would still like to know how much you have spent for your partner during the 10 year relationship?


    She had a career, and worked the whole time we were together, I covered the rent utilities etc, other than that she was independant. 


    If you are asking did she receive a stipend, or allowance or salary, the answer is no. 


    When we split she took her possessions and got a flat, she did not want further assistance. 


  8. 8 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    I am certainly encountering problems with the task bar. Mine is set to hide when not in use, but sometimes it does not slide down again after using it. That never happened before the recent updates.


    Not a big issue, but it can be irritating when I set up to watch a TV program and then have to go back and persuade the bar to 'disappear'.


    I've also found that visiting TVF via the Edge Browser has become very tedious. Some are blaming the pop up adverts for this, but this has only happened since the updates, so I'm not so sure about that.


    I've now switched to using Opera Browser when visiting TVF which proving to be much more stable.

    The fact that you use edge says alot about you. 

    • Haha 2
  9. 47 minutes ago, jany123 said:

    No... you did not simply point this out... you claimed;

    That you then go on to talk about one instance as if a litmus test is more claptrap.... whilst not reported today, these instances happen all over the world on a regular basis, most commonly to unaccompanied females, which, while lamentable, fails to surprise. That it fails to surprise, tells its own story.




    oh, i see you are determined to be right then.

    ok, you are right, women shouldn't leave the house alone, ever, its too dangerous for them.


    there, you win, feel better?


    as an aside, i was agreeing with a post by cheryl, why have you not chosen to take exception to that?

  10. 30 minutes ago, jany123 said:

    The fact? That’s total rubbish... especially paragraph 2.... insulting rubbish at that.


    my partner wont go down to the local kebab place after dark, because of the number of bars in the immediate area, and the corresponding number of folk who may cause her harm or instigate foul play.


    That’s her choice, not mine. It works against me as I have to go, but I respect her decision, which she claims to be based on safety... ie, not being alone in a potentially dangerous place.


    Risk minimization is of significant import, and risk minimization is what most of those you criticize would be inferring. 



    insulting is it? well then.

    i am 100 percent in favor of your significant other making her own choices regarding her own safety, she would be the one to know what threatens her and what doesn't.

    i have also said nothing about the validity of minimizing risk.

    I have simply pointed out that a woman need not lead a sequestered life should she chose to travel or see the world.


    that to take one instance like this however, and hold it up as a blanket rationalization for why women should not travel alone is both reductive and an insult (to use your term) to independent women.

    sorry you were unable to see that.


  11. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    Why do people keep saying this?  What possible scenario is there whereby what happened to her could not have happened had she been travelling with others? 


    In fact, by all accounts she befriended other backpackers and stayed very much with the group... which is how backpackers usually travel. But of course, at a party, people disperse a bit, people go off to the bathroom alone, etc. As they would even if  travelling as part of a family or a couple.


    This idea that somehow what caused her death was the fact that she was a solo traveler is nonsense. It is not like she went off alone to a deserted spot. She walked in a large group to a public event.

    Thank you, the fact is some believe that women should stay home and those who don't are somehow liable for any accident or foul play they encounter. 


    These AR generally the same people who believe rape victims brought it on themselves. 

    • Like 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

    I'm curious how a BMI can find you overweight if you are slim ?...

    Doctors seem to say BMI works well for most people (average people)

    but is known to not be suitable for athletes.

    Exactly. anyone with a high muscle mass should ignore BMI entirely. 


    Actuall muscle mass is an outdated term, lean body mass is a more current term. That includes muscle and bone etc, everything that is not fat. 

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Kinnock said:

    Same for me - I think I'm in reasonable shape, run and cycle regularly, no beer belly, look as if I need to eat more (according to my 87 year old Mum ???? ), but BMI puts just in the obese section.

    BMI does not account for muscle mass. Such a small portion of individuals tested is actually physically fit that the generic figures don't account for it. 


    There are scales that include waist, neck, bicep/tricep and calf thigh measurements that are more accurate. You just need to look for them. 


    I beleive us navy and army have basic tests that take this into account. 

    • Thanks 1
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