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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. ...sitting in front of the tv, it is difficult to believe that the images we see are real and not Hollywood fiction
  2. 100 immigrations officers! this is what is called rampant corruption
  3. i don't own a restaurant but i believe the owner! if the canadian dude was telling the trutth he should show the bill that he had paid
  4. the senseless embargo against cheap russian oil will make the situation even worse
  5. rip! i've read too many of these stories now! most thai drivers don't value life, i guess
  6. "The Reinvention of General Prawit" i first read the reincarnation of general prawit! but it can't be , prawit is a buddhist not an indou
  7. i would have been very disappointed if he had been arrested for stealing my sunglasses! they cost only 30 dollars instead of those whopping 800
  8. 130 unit projet but 130 floors otherwise it would be a nightmare since the fifth floor is already collapsing
  9. stupid 3 migrants (in case they really killed the hmong family)! who will pay them now?
  10. not a taxidriver this time, but childen! it's worth noticing
  11. sometimes it's wrong to think in rome one has to be roman
  12. ..fleeing to thailand was obviously a bad idea, she should have tried russia
  13. ...oh yeah, provided you don't follow europeans and americans who have boycotted russian oil
  14. what about guidelines for tourists who invade thailand every year?
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