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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. if your tailor is able to make a medical diagnosis, that's fine! as far as i'm concerned, a tailor takes care of my clothes, a doctor of my health! i hope i answered your question
  2. ...using the money to fight the real causes of the air pollution would be more judicious
  3. yes i mean cannabis...yet driving under influence of cannabis is "wrong". why in case smoking it "encourages peace and quiet"?
  4. i don't eat meat, but the one who would convince me to eat this crab that looks like it came straight out of jurassic park hasn't been born yet
  5. arrested? it seems to me she is giving a press conference surrounded by her bodyguards
  6. "my body is my choice" i wonder, so you chose to be born and to be born woman? just a question ????
  7. ..when i see the nonchalance of thai drivers (not all of them of course) in front of a red light, i sometimes think that they imagine that these signals are there just to decorate the street
  8. it's an epidemic? a few days ago, we learned here about the suicide of a scandinavian (finnish) who would have killed himself, strangely enough, by the same method: cutting his throat. i don't know if there is a good method to kill oneself, but cutting one's throat is certainly not the first thought that comes to the mind of a desperate person who wants to end his life! so let me express my doubts about this second suicide, just as i did about the first one
  9. "UNICEF says Thailand needs to ensure a more equitable future for every child" can unicef name a country where every child enjoys an equitable future?
  10. ...a very dangerous individual, i guess, judging by the number of police officers surrounding him
  11. so what if the traveller is both muslim and foreign tourist?
  12. ...the appropriate punishment? i would not be surprised if gambling was legalized in thailand
  13. there can't be any new law about prostitution...which has existed since the dawn of time always and obeys the same eternal law: no money no honey!
  14. ...when i eat that dessert, it's just a dessert, not khmer nor thai. obviously, i'm neither thai nor khmer,
  15. "Why Thailand has attracted more foreign tourists than Vietnam" it's obvious! nobody speaks thai in vietnam!
  16. ...every town has its own dark side! not everybody enjoys the bright side
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