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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. ...yeah, he had domestic difficulties in his home country, yet he came back to thailand and comitted suicide by cutting his own throat! tell this to a wooden horse and it will start neighing
  2. ...It's damn cold in scandinavia right now, pz stay stranded there as long as possible!
  3. ..oh yeah, i am unable to decipher the sign behind them, which i have often fun doing if it's written in thai in order to improve my thai ????
  4. "Thai drug dealer underwent plastic surgery to look like Korean man" ..because korean people wouldn't deal with drugs and consequently the police would never suspect him, so he thought. miscalculation!
  5. ...i guess so! after all, is vaping more dangerous than smoking cannabis which is no longer prohibited? i don't think so, but I don't know, as don't indulge in either of them, indeed!
  6. ask me ! i had a terrible cold, and since that day, if i am in thailand on the songkran day, i stay quietly in my hotel room
  7. ...i have the feeling, a painful feeling, that these construction accidents are common in thailand...two or three weeks ago we could read the death of another worker on a construction field in bkk, indeed
  8. it's ok! your good manners touch me. i mean it.
  9. tell the one who claims it's abnormal, not me!
  10. clark was a base (that i happened to visit before americans left ) as you wrote. let's say that pattaya was ONE of their favorite places, if that satisfies you
  11. lol! i know, but pattaya was american soldiars's favourite R&R during the vietman war
  12. "6000 US military descending on Pattaya !" ...a return to the war in Vietnam?
  13. "Tasty Russian food ! Brew their own Beer too !" it's obvious! with all these sanctions against them blocking all imports, the russians have no other solution than to find their own food delicious and brew their own beer
  14. ok! i'm not a christian...so if understand you right, you need "ritual purification" before firing a complaint?
  15. but, by any chance, if his hopes are dashed, the incumbent PM has more than one trick up his sleeve to keep his job
  16. what i can see.. the whistleblower, surrounded by photographers, who seems to be vigorously soaping his face, is it a way to submit a complaint?
  17. ...he may have thought it was cheaper to jet-ski home than to buy an expensive plane ticket.
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