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Everything posted by ifmu

  1. hopefully not forever and we dont have to live with covid .. lots of solutions have been introduced but nobody has followed through on them gov needs to get quality vacc to people and jabbed people need to wear masks and yes we do have a right to criticize , that is how we get things done ..and gloomy predictions are what help us with the anti science idiots ... i will NEVER agree that we ignore covid deaths over economy that is just stupid the above is for thailand ... i have tons more to say about usa uk etc but i will save that for reddit
  2. try a ping pong ball it will float
  3. zero side effects sinovac then AZ zero side effects pfizer x 2 over 50
  4. If they see comments ( even bad) they will never realize if the system works ... and understand that "face" doesnt matter to us
  5. i use https://www.spamcop.net/ to resolve any emails to verify legit or not of course you need to sign up its free .... and you need to know how to get the details from the emails Paste entire spam (headers, blank line, body) - i used this back when spam was everywhere .. still use it to confirm
  6. i hope they dont let ANY unvacc people in ever
  7. Firstly, personal data of bank account owners were leaked to criminals after accounts had been set up for bill payments through applications. how did the bank not catch this .. oh never mind i understand poor security
  8. all of the problems are still here anti science anti vaccine anti intelligence ... those need to go away do you hear me texas florida and arizona thailand
  9. ifmu


    are you really serious ?.. you make demands to PROTECT your self .. duh not to hard to understand .. think of other people not just yourself .. so put on your frigging mask when in public
  10. i believe the anti mask anti vac crowd will take care of themselves
  11. nobody is censoring these jo's but yes ridiculing their opinion based on what the village shaman says
  12. that is correct ... bunch of idiots in usa .. pandemic of the stupid
  13. holy crup get the vac and keep your students safe from the virus dont dick around get a good one if u can why the heck would u even contemplate not getting it ?
  14. cams only ? ts ? not rips ??? got a link ? huh? thanks
  15. the english versions ... do they have thai subtitles ????
  16. in case the above quote in not understood ...... no alcohol with booze people ignore the rules and will not play by the rules and further spread the virus
  17. i havent had any problems yet ... but yes i am worried i will run into a republican
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