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Everything posted by RayC

  1. Result was never in doubt but the margin of victory was a disaster for Johnson. Now a question of when he goes. Bookies have him 1/2 not to lead Tories into next election.
  2. Spot on. An overwhelmingly win e.g. +/- 80%-20% and Johnson could have justifiably claimed that he had the backing of the Tory PP and dealt with the dissenters. The fact that 40% believe he should go now plus - almost certainly - those lacking the courage to stick their heads above the parapet at this moment, plus some in the cabinet honour bound (haha) to vote for him, means that his position is untenable. Question of 'when' not 'if' he goes. Imo the longer he hangs on the better for the opposition. However, as another poster inferred, the sooner he goes the better will be best for the country.
  3. That old chestnut again. https://fullfact.org/europe/350-million-week-boris-johnson-statistics-authority-misuse/
  4. If the Brexit deal is unilaterally scrapped by the UK, it will effectively put pay to any lingering hopes of a UK-US free trade deal for the foreseeable future. The UK will then have effectively alienated its' 3 biggest trading partners (The EU, the US and China). Doesn't seem like much of a Brexit bonus to me. In any event, it is not as though this problem could not be foreseen. The DUP warned throughout the Brexit negotiations that a border down the North Sea was unacceptable to them but the UK government chose to ignore this warning. The problem is of the UK government's own making. Sadly, it is another example of it not taking responsibility and accountability for its' actions.
  5. You question the validity of the poll without giving any evidence to support your position. This seems to be a trend. If the instances you quote are anything to go by then they are spectacularly poor at doing so! Clinton and 'Remain' were ahead on (almost) all polls. I assume that you are inferring that BBC and CNN are unreliable sources of information? Who would you have us trust for 'the facts'? Pravda? I don't but as I stated above you provide no evidence to the contrary. At any rate, all this is tangential. I notice that you make no attempt to address my main points i.e. whether nations have the right to self-determination and how the Russian invasion can be justified. You seem to believe that because the West/ NATO might have intervened in previous conflicts without justification then it has no business intervening in any future conflicts. Incidentally, what's your view on Finland applying for NATO membership? Should it be allowed or is it another example of a country being seduced by NATO and which needs saving from itself?
  6. As opposed to whom? Russian observers? And your point is? Why? Do you not believe that sovereign nations have the right to self-determination? The opposite. Ukraine was trying to seduce NATO which - until this war -has shown little enthusiasm for giving it membership Where is your evidence to support this statement? Opinion polls do not necessarily tell the whole truth but can be a gauge of public opinion. It appears that despite events, there is little antipathy towards ordinary Russians by Ukrainians. https://www.europeanleadershipnetwork.org/commentary/ukrainians-want-to-stay-and-fight-but-dont-see-russian-people-as-the-enemy-a-remarkable-poll-from-kyiv/ Ukraine was carved into two pieces by the illegal annexation of the Crimea by Russia in 2014. The truth - as in this case - does not always have to be complicated. The simple fact is that Russia - under the leadership of a dictator - does not recognise the right of Ukraine to exist as a sovereign nation but rather, sees it as merely a constituent of a 'Greater Russia'. That is the reason for the invasion.
  7. You may have a point about the West meddling in Korea, etc but that is irrelevant and not the case when it comes to Ukraine. Ukraine has been an independent country since 1991. Her people have decided that their future lies with the West. Their bigger neighbour doesn't accept this decision and invades. Morally wrong and against international law. That may be a simplistic argument but that's because it really is that simple.
  8. You can't blame the police. There was a sign stating, 'No alcohol sold here'????????
  9. Like governments all over the world, the Thai government needs to raise revenue to off-set the costs of the pandemic. From their perspective, this tax makes a lot of sense. It has the potential to raise a significant sum of money and has little, if any, effect upon the electorate. I doubt that there will be many well attended 'Smash the Tourist arrival tax' demonstrations organised.
  10. If you are in BKK you can save yourself 1500 baht https://www.medconsultasia.com I used them in August. Quick and efficient.
  11. Apologies if this is a simplistic and/or stupid question. I will enter Thailand on a non-O visa (based on marriage) which I hope to convert into a 12 month extension of stay (undecided whether to go down the marriage or retirement route). Can I enter Thailand without showing a return/ onward air ticket? Thanks for your help.
  12. This link might be useful https://travelrefund.com/articles/what-to-expect-when-you-go-through-customs/
  13. The answer obviously depends upon what criteria e.g. lounges, food, bed comfort, length of flights, etc are important to you. We've flown BC, BRU - BKK - BRU with Thai, Qatar, Oman, Hainan and Ukraine Air. For what it's worth, here's my opinion of the overall packages: Thai - ok, direct which is big advantage however overpriced; Qatar - good but I was expecting more (I flew during the restrictions last year, so maybe that was the reason for my relative disappointment?); Oman - excellent. If only one leg was longer so I could get a decent few hours sleep; Hainan - Was expecting more as their BC was highly regarded at the time (although lounge in Beijing was superb); Ukraine - my favourite on-board experience; food was superb; cabin crew excellent; bed very comfortable (KGP - BKK - KGP); entertainment offering very limited but not important to me. Unfortunately, lounge in Kiev must be the worst in the world. Very cheap, I think that we paid +/-1200 Euros pp about 3 years ago. Stopped over in Kiev for a few days which was interesting. Kiev - BRU leg (3.5 HR) on old planes but ok.
  14. How does the requirement to keep 400k/ 800k baht effectively locked away help an individual with their daily living expenses?
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