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Everything posted by RayC

  1. The French do like to go on holiday en masse in July and August, so maybe more notice was needed. Anyway, I'm sure that you are aware just how problematic borders (or non-borders) can be. Look at the one between the UK and the RoI (or is it GB and the RoI or GB and the RoI & NI).
  2. Good news for travellers. I'm sure that you will agree that it's pretty impressive how quickly the French managed to sort out the problems at their end.
  3. What I understand is that you are willing to go off-topic when you think that you may have a point to make e.g. settled status but not so keen when you can't rise to a challenge i.e. the wider benefits of Brexit.
  4. Brexiters knowingly voted for something that made it more difficult to attract the required labour to the country? And that's sound economic policy?
  5. Very few people have been travelling over the past 2.5 years. Now that they are, delays are occurring for various reasons. Do you agree that whatever the circumstances, the 'All Passports' queue at immigration anywhere in the EU is usually longer than the 'EU/EEA' queue? Therefore, a loss for British passport holders. I accept that it's a relative minor issue, but in the absence of anyone being willing/ able to explain the bigger Brexit benefits, it begs the question why we bothered to leave the EU?
  6. EU nationals did not have to apply for settled status before the referendum, therefore would you agree that it was easier for EU nationals to live in the UK pre-referendum than post?
  7. While we're off-topic we might as well discuss those Brexit benefits!
  8. My mistake. I should have been more precise and wrote, 'Made it more difficult for non-UK nationals to remain'. I'm a little surprised that you replied to this particular post given that your dislike of going "off topic".
  9. Maybe Brexit could have been built quicker if the UK hadn't got rid of all the Polish brickies and plumbers?????
  10. That's convenient, eh????? Hopefully, there will be an opportunity for us non-believers to be enlightened soon????????
  11. Where is this Costa del Lotta which is such a Remainer stronghold? Alternatively, maybe those socialists do love their country and believe that Brexit is damaging it. If only someone could point out the benefits of Brexit to them?
  12. 66 million of Brits are content with their lot following Brexit. Another one of your 'facts'.
  13. I'll say this for you, you're consistent. I've yet to see you divert from your 'B@#£&r you Jack, I'm alright' line.
  14. (Text of the original post to which you replied below) So the 'Leave' vote was a vote to give up rights? Is that the view of the other Brexit supporting posters here? _------------------------ The right to live and work in any of the EU nations (the UK’s largest trading partner). The right to health services across the EU. The protection of EU laws on matters of workers rights. The rights to direct appeal to the EU on matters of environmental protection. To name but a few.
  15. I couldn't agree more. Therefore, I'll repeat my previous request that you do some of us a favour by listing the benefits that Brexit has brought - or will bring - to the UK.
  16. Ok, so why not do those of us Remainers - who are willing to learn - a service and start a thread listing all the benefits that the UK has accrued since we left the EU? I would start it myself but my post would be empty and the mods would, no doubt, accuse me of trolling.
  17. I assume that those who run the forum are happy to receive comments from any location, otherwise they would have limited access to Thai residents. So your suggestion is that I pop down to Dover and join the queue in order to complain about the queue? No it doesn't but it has everything to do with Brexit. Want to give it a go explaining to such folk how Brexit has benefited them? Thought not.
  18. And there were folks like me who spent over an hour in a queue at passport control in Brussels, watching the EU line move quicker, who thought: 'Ok. In the bigger scheme of things this is a minor inconvenience, but it's worth it because of all the other benefits that Brexit brings. But then I couldn't think of any Brexit benefits and became increasingly p@#£ed off at those who voted for this'.
  19. It does but it doesn't have any targets in it. If you then questioned the point of it, I'd have to agree. Debatable but I'd agree that there are also problems - as well as benefits - associated with the Euro. In any event, any EU nation could have kept their own currency (as the UK did). Even though it is now a condition of entry for EU membership that the candidate country agrees to adopt the Euro, this would only happen when conditions are met. I don't imagine that the EU and ECB want another Greek crisis ????????
  20. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but don't you feel that it's a tad ironic (plus patronising and arrogant) for someone like yourself, living in Thailand, to be lecturing those of us in the UK, who disagree with you, that Brexit was, in your words, " ... about the UK, not folk who chose to live abroad"? Not in all cases. I know quite a few Brits who have effectively been forced to return to the UK because they have lost their jobs in Belgium, France and the Netherlands.
  21. This is a blue ribbon day. Firstly, I agree with Nauseus, then I can admire Loiner's consistent argument, and now we agree on something: Yes, all countries that I have visited by air for as long as I can remember have had some form of immigration control (let's not muddy the waters talking about land travel across the Schengen states!). And yes, a problem with French immigration at Calais in particular has lead to delays. However, you miss the point. Irrespective of whether the Immigration posts are fully staffed, whether there are technical problems, etc, it takes longer to pass through the 'All Passports' queue than the 'EU' queue.
  22. Good to have finally reached agreement on something, but I'm a little surprised that you might have thought otherwise? Why should the bureaucrats in Brussels be elected? They are employees, the same as UK civil servants.????
  23. Any sympathy for the Brexit supporting pensioners who can't enjoy their winter retreats in Spain?
  24. Fortunately, I can survive in the UK but I don't feel any more 'free' than I did in 2019. In fact, on my recent trips to mainland Europe, having to wait in the 'All Passports' queue and then have my passport stamped reminded me that I am now - in some respects - less free than I was.
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