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Everything posted by RayC

  1. Ok. Yes, most (all?) politicians have made misleading statements at some point, but it is the sheer number of times - and the fact that Johnson continued to mislead (lie?) when he had been rumbled - that makes him unfit for office.
  2. Agreed, it is boring. But perhaps you would be better addressing your comment to Loiner and others, who insist on repeating the falsehood that Johnson was ousted by the media rather than his parliamentary colleagues.
  3. If you are correct then Tory MPs didn't have the courage to stand by their conviction that Johnson was the best leader. Why should the electorate vote for this type of person? In this case if you are correct, then they are self-serving opportunists. Again, why should the electorate vote for this type of person?
  4. If he was 'lying' he was not fit for office, if he was 'misleading' parliament then he was still not fit for office, given the number of occasions it happened.
  5. No, I'm 100% certain that I'm correct. Did Johnson announce his resignation after a meeting with the DG of the BBC or the Chairman of the 1922 committee?
  6. Then blame the Conservative Parliamentary party for Johnson's demise, not the media.
  7. Not from The Times, Telegraph, Express, Mail, Spectator, Wired, etc. they don't. When the PM lies, that's not newsworthy?
  8. And how do you propose to tackle these undemocratic elements? Abolish the free press? Set up a UK version of the McCarthy hearings?
  9. Johnson lied on several occasions. The media reported these lies. The majority of Tory MPs (belatedly) reached the point where they could no longer tolerate Johnson's behaviour, and they will replace him. These are the facts. It really is that simple. If an "undemocratic coup" took place then the only place it occurred was within the Tory party.
  10. But it's not just any old policy in Trusses case, it's the issue of how to finance the country. Truss has said that she will cut taxes and not implement the planned NI and corporation tax increases. How can a minister continue to serve in all good conscience when she fundamentally disagrees with the government's economic policy? It's a satirical magazine pointing out what it is plain to see.
  11. I agree that there is a difference between leading and being led. However, the UK government is based on the concept of shared (cabinet) responsibility. Sunak and Truss were both members of the cabinet. If they disagreed so vehemently with Johnson's direction they should have resigned (in Sunak's case long before he did). It is disingenuous of them to now try to distance themselves from government decisions which they supported.
  12. If the MSM were that biased and powerful, it wouldn't just be the PM that was about to change. Whenever something doesn't go to plan, you always look for a scapegoat. It's always somebody else's fault. You are simply unable to face facts. You always seem to blame the East Europeans, so I assumed it would be no different this time. My mistake.
  13. The privileged chancer, who is serving out his notice as PM, was unceremoniously dumped by his own party. No one else had the authority to remove him. It's factually incorrect to blame the opposition, MSM, the EU, East Europeans migrants or anyone else for his demise.
  14. Trusses' campaign is based purely on the worse type of populism. Talk tough about dealing with the EU to get the ERG supporters on-board. This, in itself, is probably irrelevant. Reality will bite when/if negotiations with the EU recommence, and she will have no choice but to soften her stance. More worrying is her desire for immediate tax cuts. Again, in itself, not necessarily bad but, if coupled with a likely rise in interest rates - her economic guru, Patrick Minford has suggested 7% as a normal level - this is potentially disastrous. A rise to such a level would lead to an increase of £600/month in average mortgage repayments. In a period of real wage depreciation, the number of defaults is likely to rise, which could lead to another banking crisis. The difference with 2008 is this one would be home made. While I agree that Truss will probably be a gift horse for the opposition parties, Sunak will be least worse option for the country.
  15. Most of your posts confirm that being "an angry socialist" is not a prerequisite for being childish. The first post quoted above would suggest otherwise!
  16. What was that you were saying in another thread about straying 'off topic'?
  17. Xenophobia can be fun. Must admit that I've never looked at it from that angle ..... Nope, still don't get it.
  18. Transam, Given that you 'like' this post, I assume that you have no problem with being called a xenophobe either?
  19. The effects of the vote to leave did e.g. the overnight depreciation of the pound
  20. How is a comment about one of the effects of Brexit on queues at passport control off-topic?
  21. The country was, and still is, split down the middle in case you hadn't noticed.
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