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Everything posted by RayC

  1. How on earth can you logically come to that conclusion? Johnson's mayoral administration was responsible for initiating the project, allocating funds to it, for designing the procurement process and letting contracts. How much more responsible could he be?
  2. In case you hadn't noticed, the discussion has been about Boris Johnson and, in particular, his integrity. With that in mind, surely his record as London Mayor is relevant? In any event, the link which I referenced, was posted by one of your fellow Boris supporters. Btw: Dentists advise changing their toothbrushes regularly.
  3. You talk of the hypocrisy of "Liebour" supporters whilst casually dismissing Johnson's lies to parliament amongst others as "piffling porkies". Laughable. Anyway, your preoccupation with the actions of a Labour PM - which I don't condone before you or any other Johnson apologists seek to divert attention to him yet again - proves my point. Actually, I'll correct myself: As you show, the defence of Johnson consists of a combination of 'Blair' and 'Balatelli' (Why always me?). It's always someone else's fault. Like Johnson himself, it appears that his followers cannot take accountability and responsibility for a defence of his actions.
  4. You're right but so what? How does that negate my implied accusation that Johnson was responsible for wasting a vast amount of money and resources on a badly thought out, badly managed and ultimately failed project?
  5. Thanks for posting the link. You claim that Johnson should bear little responsibility for this failure? All of the following bridge related events happened either whilst Johnson was Mayor of London, as a result of his actions or with his agreement (taken from the article). ------------------------- In December 2014, Boris Johnson approved the scheme to build the bridge, Ongoing annual maintenance costs for the bridge between £2 - £3.5 would be paid by the GLA The failed project cost £53m, including £43m of public money. During the 2016–2017 review conducted by Dame Margaret Hodge for the Mayor of London, it was concluded that the appointments in 2013 (during the procurement process) "were not open, fair or competitive procurements … and [her review had] revealed systematic failures and ineffective control systems at many levels" Hodge also concluded that the only parties to express support for the bridge were Boris Johnson, the Garden Bridge Trust (the prospective owner of the bridge) itself and the Evening Standard while, on the other hand, "hostility" to the bridge was "substantial" In January 2017, the trustees of the Garden Bridge Trust (the limited company behind the project) said they were unable to conclude that the trust was a going concern.
  6. The defence of Johnson's conduct as PM now seems to consist of nothing more than criticizing a Labour PM who has been out of office for 14 years
  7. It's a possibility but I'd suggest that it's unlikely if the Tories cannot put on a united front for the electorate, and it's difficult to see which prospective leader can pull this off. I doubt that Braverman has any realistic chance of winning, but while she appeals to the ERG, she would alienate the moderate wing. Sunak/ Javid/ Hunt have the opposite problem. Wallace might have been given a chance, but he's had the good sense to rule himself out. Despite the purge of pro-EU MPs in 2019, the Tory PP is still at war with itself. I just hope that this continues until the next general election.
  8. 24. Which is quite an impressive number. However, there is a big BUT here. The Department of Health decided to redefine 'new' in August 2021 to include hospitals which didn't previously exist plus new wings plus 'major' refurbishments (which is undefined). My definition of 'new' (and yours?) is limited to hospitals which didn't previously exist. In this case, the answer is 3 are currently planned.
  9. Given the nonsense that was spoken in defence of Johnson in the recent past, there would not be enough courts to try all the offenders arrested for breaking those laws????
  10. Imo it would be tactically naive for Starmer to call a vote of confidence. There is no chance of it succeeding and it might even bring the Tories together. Labour are better off letting the Tories devour itself.
  11. I don't have much time for Abbott or 'Corby' but what law have either of them broken.
  12. Seems a bit exaggerated https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/
  13. That's because until a few hours ago Johnson's supporters refused to acknowledge the truth.
  14. There's a perfectly good reason why Johnson is labelled a liar. He is. One example: As you pointed out, he gave a job to someone who was a sexual groper. He denied that he knew about this individual's background which was a lie. Plenty more examples if needed.
  15. Generalising, the Tories are in favour of Brexit, the Labour party have ruled out rejoining in the next parliament. The Lib Dems are unlikely to be the majority party after the next election, so there is little chance of anything happening until 2028 at the earliest. In reality, that is much too soon. My guess would be the mid-30s would be earliest possible date for the UK to formally rejoin the EU. Having said that, if any party other than the Tories wins the next election, I imagine that they will seek closer ties with the EU. Perhaps, rejoining the single market and Customs Union in everything but name?
  16. I'm sure that there are no end of people who could have done better. I'm not a Tory or a MP which probably rules me out.
  17. We've left the EU. It's a fact and the overwhelming majority of Remainers accept that - unfortunately - we won't be rejoining any time soon. The problem isn't Remainers accepting the result of the referendum, it's the Brexiters not knowing what to do with their victory. This despite continual reassurances during the referendum debate that 'We know what we're voting for'. Ok, fine. Go ahead and implement whatever "it" is and please stop blaming Remainers, the EU, Uncle Tom Cobbley for your inability (so far) to do so.
  18. Despite all that's happened during his tenure, he's been lauded as being the man for the job for the past 2.5 years right up until 24 hours ago by some posters here. The country - outside of Islington - were supposedly solidly behind him. Malcontents were simply dismissed as Woke/ Lefty liberals/ anti-democratic/ Remainers, etc. What's changed? So he lied - yet again! - what's new? Johnson supporters were willing to overlook that character flaw for so long. Why all of a sudden has he gone from hero to zero in the eyes of the besotted?
  19. Hat's off to the scientists who invented the vaccine. Roll-out was quite well managed. But let's not forget Johnson's cavalier attitude towards Covid before his own brush with death. Trouble on the island of Ireland after 20 years of peace. All time low relations with EU. Re-opening of the Scottish independence debate. England more divided than ever. UK economy in a complete mess. Most of this due to Brexit. Yep, great job.
  20. Any links? Once again, a statement not supported by the data. The UK is currently running a record Balance of Payments deficit.
  21. If only we could but your fellow Brexiters keep bringing up the subject.
  22. Dutch farmers against protesting against the effects of Brexit. I can see Welsh farmers taking to the streets once Oz/NZ meat floods the UK market, especially now that their scope for exporting to the EU is reduced.
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