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Everything posted by RayC

  1. As PM, May was flawed in many ways, but she was pragmatic and realised (somewhat belatedly) that alienating the country's biggest trading partner was an act of self-harm. She resigned because the unholy alliance of the anti-European, borderline xenophobic ERG and opportunistic factions (not mutually exclusive) within her own party brought her down. Expelling a former PM wouldn't have been a good look even by Tory party standards, although I'm sure that Rees-Mogg and his motley band would have welcomed it.
  2. Welsh farmers, British pensioners in Spain. Other groups who have shot themselves in the foot. Still, they knew what they were voting for.
  3. Absolute tosh. If the pound was over-valued prior to the referendum, then it had been for more than 15 years! The drop in the value of the pound following the referendum result was a quantifiable measure of the currency market's loss of confidence in the UK economy. Link showing value of pound vs. Euro since 2000. Similar story for pound vs. dollar. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1034391/monthly-exchange-rate-gbp-eur-worldwide/
  4. A minority? Not now. Says a lot about the Tory party. Month after month of scandal ignored. Finally a couple of senior ministers re-find some semblance of integrity, and they are then followed by the self-centred opportunists (the majority) trying to save themselves.
  5. So Johnson is the embodiment of a strong leader? No matter how poor the opposition is, they cannot possibly bring as much embarrassment to the country as this current government.
  6. Shame is the operative word. To hang on - seemingly at all costs - when your ministerial colleagues are telling you to go. Shows what a self-centred opportunist Johnson is. Also a shame for Johnson. Just missed out on his half-century.
  7. Hardly a sign of strong leadership given that Johnson appointed Gove in the first place. Slightly annoying but mainly embarrassing for Johnson, the Tory party and the UK. So far as I'm concerned, the longer Johnson embarrasses himself and the Tories the better: They both deserve it. Unfortunately, it's the embarrassment caused to the country that's the problem.
  8. Some Tories have finally found their integrity. Better late than never I suppose.
  9. For a start, that it has been and, in all likelihood, will continue to be damaging to the UK economy.
  10. There is no other side to see here. As @Candide points out, there is a fundamental difference between facts and opinion. Johnson attended parties at #10 - fact. Johnson should resign because he is not fit for office - opinion (based on fact). 'The regime in Kyiv committed genocide in the Donbas'. Where is the evidence to support this as being a fact? There is none. It is conjecture or opinion at best but, more likely, propaganda based on outright lies.
  11. Call me cynical, but I'm inclined to take any 'facts' originating from (R)ussia (T)oday with more than a grain of salt.
  12. Unfortunately, it's probably true that atrocities have been committed by both Russian and Ukrainian separatists in the Donbas region, but there is no evidence to suggest that there has been "genocide perpetrated (against the Russian speaking population) by the Kyiv regime".
  13. Notwithstanding the fact that membership of NATO should be a decision for individual nations and existing NATO members to make, Russia's invasion has had the opposite effect to what Putin desired as NATO is expanding more rapidly than it would have.
  14. We're going to fight Russia for the Crimea again? Let's hope there's not another 'Charge of the Light Brigade'.
  15. A meaningless statement. EVERY government has funded the NHS since it's inception. We didn't send the EU £350m/ week. That is factually incorrect.
  16. Not sure how that (factually incorrect) message could have been misunderstood? But I agree that an awful lot of people were deceived.
  17. You're welcome. I'm a forgiving type my boy, but you - and your friends - must learn that actions have consequences; that you need to take accountability and responsibility for your actions, and stop blaming others all the time☹️
  18. The PM of a country and his team shouldn't have to follow the rules and laws - some of which they may have drafted - which they are meant to ensure are followed!? Clearly there are no limits to which some will go to defend this opportunist liar.
  19. You make some valid points about Blair and the effects of EU expansion, but I disagree that Blair was responsible for Brexit and that Cameron had no other choice. The Labour Party has been predominantly pro-EU since 'New Labour'. There is - and was - little, if any, internal party debate about holding a EU referendum. On the other hand, the Tory Party has been split about Europe for the best part of 50 years and the signing of the Maastricht Treaty was the catalyst for this split to turn into an internal war between the pro and anti-EU factions. Every Tory leader since then has struggled with how to deal with this. As you say, Cameron believed that the referendum result would be 'remain'. If it were, he could effectively sideline the Eurosceptic wing of the party and tighten his grip on the party for years to come. The alternative would have been to take the 'Major approach'. Reject calls for a referendum and face down the Tory rebels. Didn't end well for Major but, I'd argue, the result was better for the country. In essence, Cameron put his own future and what he perceived as the stability of the Tory party above the needs of the country. As we all know, the gamble failed and the country is now split down the middle. The person who must shoulder the majority of the blame for this state is Cameron.
  20. Many economists see a link between Brexit and inflation in the UK https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-22/brexit-s-legacy-is-hotter-uk-inflation-risk-for-years-to-come
  21. Spoken like a true Boris apologist. I'm pleased that your UK family are ok. My family (all in UK) are also well (but cheesed off with the government).
  22. But if I stand next to an obese bloke eating a cheeseburger who then has a heart attack, I'm not going to catch his obesity and succumb to a heart attack myself.
  23. Sorry still unclear. Are you saying that the UK PM should be held responsible and accountable for their actions or not? If not, does this apply to all PMs or is Johnson some special case?
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