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Everything posted by RayC

  1. As opposed to whom? Russian observers? And your point is? Why? Do you not believe that sovereign nations have the right to self-determination? The opposite. Ukraine was trying to seduce NATO which - until this war -has shown little enthusiasm for giving it membership Where is your evidence to support this statement? Opinion polls do not necessarily tell the whole truth but can be a gauge of public opinion. It appears that despite events, there is little antipathy towards ordinary Russians by Ukrainians. https://www.europeanleadershipnetwork.org/commentary/ukrainians-want-to-stay-and-fight-but-dont-see-russian-people-as-the-enemy-a-remarkable-poll-from-kyiv/ Ukraine was carved into two pieces by the illegal annexation of the Crimea by Russia in 2014. The truth - as in this case - does not always have to be complicated. The simple fact is that Russia - under the leadership of a dictator - does not recognise the right of Ukraine to exist as a sovereign nation but rather, sees it as merely a constituent of a 'Greater Russia'. That is the reason for the invasion.
  2. You may have a point about the West meddling in Korea, etc but that is irrelevant and not the case when it comes to Ukraine. Ukraine has been an independent country since 1991. Her people have decided that their future lies with the West. Their bigger neighbour doesn't accept this decision and invades. Morally wrong and against international law. That may be a simplistic argument but that's because it really is that simple.
  3. You can't blame the police. There was a sign stating, 'No alcohol sold here'????????
  4. Like governments all over the world, the Thai government needs to raise revenue to off-set the costs of the pandemic. From their perspective, this tax makes a lot of sense. It has the potential to raise a significant sum of money and has little, if any, effect upon the electorate. I doubt that there will be many well attended 'Smash the Tourist arrival tax' demonstrations organised.
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