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Everything posted by RayC

  1. Suella won't be happy. As I write she's probably looking for a reason to deport Nige.
  2. That's very generous, JonnyπŸ™ My life is now complete.
  3. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I hope that you don't have any more corkers like that. I'm not sure my heart will be able to take it next time πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  4. Imo disappointing news if it is correct. Hopefully, the legislation cited in the Guardian article has been postponed rather than abandoned.
  5. So damned if they do, damned if they don't. A very balanced view.
  6. That's an interesting point. The average playing area in cricket is 50% greater than a baseball field. They may have to build new stadia? (Bolding unintended) Haven't Americans suffered enough? They already have American football, baseball and ice hockey. Why add to their torment by inflicting Aussie Rules upon themπŸ˜‰
  7. You're wrong about Churchill's view of the EU. The likelihood is that he would very much approve of it. (First link is Churchill's full Zurich speech. Second link is a summary) https://winstonchurchill.org/resources/speeches/1946-1963-elder-statesman/united-states-of-europe/ https://european-union.europa.eu/principles-countries-history/history-eu/eu-pioneers/winston-churchill_en
  8. Confirmed that suspect has died. I can't shed any tears about this news.
  9. The threat from extremists is taken seriously in Belgium but, unfortunately, terrorists slip through the net. The attacker in this instance lived in Schaerbeek, not Molenbeek, although there's no denying that Molenbeek has its' problems. However, having grown up in what was considered at the time by many to be a crime-infested slum (Brixton), my experience is that the overwhelming majority of people are decent and law abiding.
  10. According to Le Soir (Belgium), unconfined reports that a man, thought to be the perpetrator, has been shot by police.
  11. Thanks for the explanation. Fair point. There are ways to circumvent the issue though. When I worked in Belgium, pension contributions - up to a ceiling, - lowered one's taxable income significantly (Income tax rates in Belgium are very high) and an individual's pension pot was then taxed at maturity (@10% if I remember correctly?). All hypothetical of course. Imo there is next to no chance of any UK government either agreeing that 1) a UK national's (pension) income should be taxed where they reside and/or 2) the 'triple lock' being applied to expats residing in countries where it is not currently in operation.
  12. Indeed. More paperwork involved in transporting horses between the UK and EU states post-Brexit.
  13. That was UKIP's idea (serve Article 50 the day after the referendum result). They also believed that the EU needed us more than we needed them. Presumably, this strategy was based on the belief that two wrongs make a right?
  14. Stanvac, The official guidance is as I stated previously https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/page/spouse-and-family-visa LiddleJohn seems to believe otherwise. My experience with the London Embassy was also different to his. I found them very helpful, albeit that was some time ago (pre-Covid) and about 'legalising' our UK marriage certificate in Thailand. Good luck.
  15. Proof of onward flight is a requirement according to the details on the London Embassy website. The extract at the end is also taken from the website (relates to 'O' family visa): For what it's worth, I applied for the same visa last month. Took 3 weeks for visa to come through. My bank statement showed +/-Β£10k. I got asked to resubmit itinerary - probably because I plan to stay +/-120 days? - but no further questions. "closing balance of Β£500 (for individual single entry) Β£1,000 (for family single entry), Β£5000 (for individual multiple entries, and Β£10,000 (for family multiple entries) , proof of earnings (payslips) or sponsorship letter from your sponsor with official ID and their Bank Statements. (Do not send the screenshot)"
  16. Very good???? You claim not to be a lawyer???? If that's the case, can I suggest that you change career: You'll make a fortune.
  17. I don't expect any UK government to change the law so that only residents are taxed on their income, but I don't understand why the law governing pension provision should be a barrier?
  18. I would guess that the overwhelming majority of people are opposed to wars in general. However, as Stevenl implies, in this instance what was the alternative? Passive acceptance that an aggressor can effectively take what it wants? There are almost countless hypothesis and commentaries attempting to explain the background and rationale for Russia's actions in Ukraine. Imo Dr. Sachs' is among the least persuasive. A completely different take on matters can be seen here. https://www.chathamhouse.org/2022/08/russias-longstanding-problem-ukraines-borders
  19. I agree. Imo an individual's personal income should be taxed in the country where they reside.
  20. I assume that you are referring to the interview with Jeffrey Sachs? According to recent polls, public support in the UK and EU for Ukraine has reduced since the outbreak of hostilities. I would suggest that this is unsurprising given the passing of time, however, this support still remains strong in most countries. So far as the governments of EU member states and the UK are concerned, support appears to remain strong outside of a few States. Hungary and Slovakia have been lukewarm in their support from the outset. Poland is slightly different. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/at-your-service/en/be-heard/eurobarometer/public-opinion-on-the-war-in-ukraine https://carnegieeurope.eu/strategiceurope/90686 I find the apparent decline in US political support for Ukraine worrying. I hope that a bill continuing funding at a necessary and sufficient level will eventually be passed by Congress. If I understood him correctly, Dr. Sachs basically blames the US's desire for hegemony in Eastern Europe for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This desire has its' origins in the breakup of the Soviet Union and has been fuelled by US neo-cons. Nevertheless this aim been shared by every administration - whether Democrat or Republican - over the past 30 years. My interpretation of Dr. Sachs' comments was that a negotiated settlement was possible, but that this would involve Ukraine ceding territory. Somewhat bizarrely imo, he appears to cite the 'creation' of Kosovo from Serbia as a precedent. Imo his rationale seemed very disjointed and somewhat strange.
  21. So far as pension increases are concerned, imo the fairest way would be to apply the 'triple lock rate' of the country in which an expat resides. However, that is probably impractical for administrative reasons so the UK rate rise should apply. Wrt voting in UK general elections, these are mainly contested on the basis of differences in domestic policy, which do not directly affect expats. Therefore, why should this group get a vote on such matters?
  22. Perhaps Mr. Fox should ask Ms. Meatball for some fund raising tips?
  23. https://www.factcheck.org/2022/03/the-facts-on-de-nazifying-ukraine/ A long piece but perhaps the key statement is: "To the best of my knowledge, neo-nazis are not present in Zelensky's government". Hardly a surprise given Zelensky's own Jewish heritage.
  24. Alternatively, another interpretation is that such remarks show that the EU will offer continuing support to Ukraine and that it will be in Putin's best interests to negotiate.
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