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Everything posted by RayC

  1. And yet .... https://theconversation.com/the-polish-people-support-the-eu-its-their-government-that-continues-to-antagonise-brussels-170324 If you don't want to read all of the article, one part states that support for the EU among the Polish public stood at 88% in December 2020, and has never dipped below 72%. A pretty emphatic vote of confidence wouldn't you agree? How did the golf go? Did you win?
  2. If things are so peachy and the public so contended, how do you explain the Government's lack of popularity in the polls? I've got an idea that polls are bias, inaccurate, etc will figure somewhere in the answer.
  3. Of course, how else could the following be construed? (To be clear, this is sarcasm): " Some better news Germany is about to go into recession as well as the U.K "
  4. Not everyone has moved on. People may be getting on with things because what other choices do they have. Plenty of discussion in the media and comment from the public about Brexit. Or maybe not.
  5. Maybe they have assets in the UK which they are concerned about? Maybe their family and friends are affected by the recession? Any number of possible reasons why they might be concerned.
  6. I know. Sorry if you thought my comment was directed at you. It wasn't. (I was referring to my sarky reply to the apparent joy displayed by one poster that Germany was entering recession).
  7. Hello Nauseus, Hope that you are well? Echo here. Well, the UK has reclaimed its' 3% of sovereignty from the EU (which the financial markets relieved us of in the blink of an eye). Ho hum. Enjoy the virtual golf tournament. Bon chance (sorry, I mean good luck)????
  8. And that's what you got. You are the one complaining about getting the wrong version of Brexit. Oh, Brexit is complicated. Who'd have thought that? Glad to see my crystal ball is on the money????
  9. I disagree entirely. The UK is a parliamentary democracy. We elect politicians to take decisions on our behalf for the good of the nation. The fact that the current batch - with a few exceptions - appear to be pretty poor doesn't mean that the whole system should be consigned to the bin. There is also a more practical objective. I don't think that the UK public has the desire to be consulted on a more regular basis: Look at the turnout for the referendum on PR: 19% if I remember correctly? Do we really want decisions taken by less than 1 in 5 of the electorate.
  10. Evasion. Trying to disassociate yourself from this comment without withdrawing the remark. "Some better news Germany is about to go into recession as well as the U.K"
  11. There were no versions of Brexit on the ballot paper. It was 'In' or 'Out'. Brexiters knew what they were voting for. At least, that what you kept saying. My crystal ball suggests that future replies on this issue will mention the beastly, underhand behaviour of the EU during negotiations.
  12. Because we (the UK) will suffer but you (the EU) will suffer more: It's his justification for Brexit. Only two possible logical reasons as far as I can see: (1) He finds economic sado-masochism enjoyable (2) xenophobia. However, as ever, I'm open to other suggestions.
  13. The PM is a Brexit supporter! Again, the same old tune. The problem was of the Tory party's own making. The mismanagement was by a succession of Tory PMs who made strategic mistakes on top of calling an unnecessary referendum. The interference was by the 'flat earthers' in the ERG. Always someone else's fault. No responsibility and accountability taken for a failure of your preferred party's own making.
  14. Agreed, most aren't. However, one definitely is.
  15. Maybe there's something that Charles wants to tell us?
  16. Doesn't answer either of the points which you replied to
  17. How do you keep warm at an ice hockey match? Doesn't turning on the heating melt the pitch? Does ice hockey turn into water polo after a while?????????
  18. I have no idea and, frankly, no further interest in trying to comprehend what you are talking about. I guess that the lesson I should take from this exchange is, don't give people the benefit of the doubt in terms of their sincerity: Call out a troll at the first opportunity.
  19. The problem is that there is no evidence to suggest that the so-called Brexit opportunities will materialize. Indeed, things may well get worse. The EU is now looking at bringing in regulation to ensure that a certain amount of Euro-based derivatives are cleared in the EU. Amsterdam, Paris and Frankfurt were always envious of the 'Citys' dominance but, ironically, when the UK was a member of the EU, the undemocratic Commission protected the City's position. Now that we have left the EU, that protection has gone.
  20. You asked me previously not to call you a liar. I can't refrain from doing so while you consistently continue to misrepresent my position and post lies. I was replying to your misplaced attempt to patronise me - by your use of "common sense", "obvious" - by pointing out that a scenario could equally be built whereby this company might have gone gone bust as a result of Brexit. I explicitly stated that this was not a fact. It would be speculation. I did not claim that this was the reason for this particular company going bust. Indeed, in a post almost immediately before it, I quoted the article where it stated that the war, Covid and Brexit were contributary factors in this particular instance. There are many Brexiters on this board. Imo most find it hard to accept the weight of evidence that Brexit was a bad idea. However, I can't think of any other poster who consistently misrepresents others views and resorts to "untruths" (better?) as consistently and regularly as you. I assume that this must be deliberate.
  21. It's a truism to say that no one can predict the future but, ss I've said before, it's a lazy argument. What's the alternative? Instead of basing decisions on data-driven probabilistic models, we instead disregard these projections and put our trust in blind faith and hope for the best?
  22. This company would have gone bust as a result of a drop in demand for their goods and/or increased costs/ reduced profit margins associated with Brexit. Like your scenario, the fact that this is speculation "... is common sense and quite obvious really".
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