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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. I prefer flavour and aroma with mine. I prefer a smoke without a pungent aroma. I just want to get high and the Green Crack that's currently on the scene does just that. Also there is no lingering smell, I can smoke in my mancave without offending anyone and the smell doesn't linger for days, like the more pungent strains do. It also means that it is easier to spark up when out somewhere. As for the taste, the Green Crack that I'm currently smoking does not have an offensive taste, in fact there is hardly any taste at all and I prefer it that way.
  2. Not a strange example at all, it's a everyday real life situation. You quoted something that makes no sense to everyday normal situation and is a downright lie. Of course happiness is dependent on outward conditions, as well as inner conditions. Your quote is from a book that was written to extract money from the gullible.
  3. As a side note, I once got offered some ancient Egyptian artifacts but it turned out to be a pyramid scheme.
  4. One would presume that the Frenchman did not harpoon the whale himself and that these skeletal remains were found washed up on a beach. Whether the Frenchman actually found them himself or if he bought them shouldn't really matter. His actions did not endanger the (already dead) whale and he was not trying to take them out of the country. They should just explain to him that he is accidentally breaking an obscure law that no one knew about (until this incident) and tell him that he has been a naughty boy, end of case. The confiscated bones can then be stored away in a lock-up, to prevent people from seeing them. ????
  5. Happiness doesn’t depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions. Please tell that to the victims of violent domestic beatings as they are lying in a hospital bed.
  6. He was found to be on overstay of 3,246 days. Glad to see that the systems ion place (TM30 & TM47) are doing their job. ????
  7. At every fancy dress that I went to in my home country, there was always someone dressed as a tramp. There was also at least one guest dressed as a clown, should we apologise to Ronald McDonald now? Mind you, there were also a few 'black face' costumes back then. ????
  8. I've been cashless for most of my life, so a little longer won't matter.
  9. Since we are so technologically advanced why hasn't anyone developed some tests that can be given to a person to see if they will have an allergic reaction to a vaccine before they get any vaccine. Because the problem only exists in the small minds of anti-vax, conspiracy theory spreading/believing, nut-jobs.
  10. Welcome to broken Britain.
  11. One might say , well the females doing the same should be included And that's my point exactly, If all are not treated by the same rules, that is profiling. So as more farangs break the law in Pattaya than in Nakhon Nowhere, let's round up all farangs in Pattaya, whether they are law abiding citizens or not.
  12. What a load of tosh, profiling us profiling, full stop. Are you suggesting that all ladyboys are criminals? The innocents don't deserve their rights to be treated by the same laws as everyone else? First they came for the ladyboys............................
  13. I'd rather have the death penalty Is their anything that I can do to help? ????
  14. Daily News reported on a TikTok post apart from a TikTok post, what evidence is there that this was caused through the vaccine? Are there any other reports of this case in which an actual doctor or expert in the field have confirmed the cause? The reason why I asking? People read something on the interweb and just presume that it must be true. On BBC news website this morning. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-63719246
  15. Still ranting against tokers. You really do need to take that stick out of your ass, granddad. ????
  16. The story indicates she was removing herself when the latest altercation occured. But not after the first sign of violence in the relationship occurred, so according to you, she was too stupid to remove herself. By using your logic yours is an unconfirmed story and could be all bs as well. Thank you for at last listening to me, I have been saying this all along. I do not know for sure what happened but neither do you I'm done discussing it with you. You accused another poster and myself of victim blaming yet that is exactly what you are doing. I know that you are trying to end the discussion because you are coming across as a hypocrite but before you go, please tell me why you are able to accuse others of victim blaming (even though there was no victim blaming) but then call me stupid for being a victim? Why are you allowed to not just victim blame but insult the victim as well? Remembering how hypocritical you are now making yourself appear, it might be wise for you to think about your answer this time before replying.
  17. The man in the story admitted what he did and continued his rampage using police as his safety net Again, according to a single source report I'm not excusing that behavior but you could have walked away at any point, repeatedly. By that logic, so could have the girl after her first alleged beating, after all she does allege that he 'repeatedly beat her'. If you dated a nut case as you claim that repeatedly threatened you with knives or whatever and where too stupid to remove yourself then that shows a level of intelligence that defies logic. Now who is victim blaming?
  18. So how do we get from that account of an out of control man, to your experiences at the hands of an out of control woman? Because this is an alleged account from a single and possibly biased report. Earlier on in this thread, there were reports that this account of events may not be correct and considering how Thai journalists like to embellish their stories, it still is not clear what really went down. At no time have I stated that the girl was out of control, I am merely stating what a crazed girl is capable of and 'what if' the report is not 100% correct. F.Y.I., I personally lean to believing that this was domestic battery by the guy and that alcohol most likely fueled the man's rage but without knowing the full and correct details, I reserve judgement and have to accept all possibilities. allegedly
  19. No i haven't experienced that, or seen it and neither have any of my friends or associates. Well I have, as have others on this thread, so why are you unable to listen to people with experience in this type of situation instead of denying facts just because you have not experienced them?
  20. It is only a very silly argument if you do not understand the other side and refuse to even think about what is being written.. With such a closed mind, with no desire to listen to or understand reason, I am so glad that you are not a real doctor.
  21. And in parts of America, the disproportionately large number of crimes are committed by Black Americans. Considering that in these areas there will also be a large number of black Americans who are honest law abiding citizens just trying to get on with their lives, do you feel that some profiling against all black Americans in these areas is also warranted?
  22. So in the heat of the moment, when you have a crazed and uncontrolled maniac attacking you in a frenzy with a 12' blade, with no route of escape, you would throw her out or leave how? I am not saying that any man should hit a woman, I have never hit a woman and I hope that I never will. I abhor domestic violence, whichever side of the relationship it comes from. What I am saying is if you are in a situation, with your back against a wall and genuinely in fear for your life, adrenaline takes over and once that happens, there is no knowing what you will do, you cannot predict that from the comfort of your cosy life.
  23. Are you still of the belief that domestic abuse is always man on woman, how very 1900's. Have you ever been a victim of violent domestic abuse?
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