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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Why not do what they've done for alcohol and tobacco and make weed for over 18s only? They already have but they were wise enough to set the bar higher, at 20 years old. Only tote if you can vote. Do you know the mental age of the average voter in Thailand? ????
  2. Might as well get going with a taxation structure. Taxation structure is not the topic under discussion.
  3. In my post on page one of this thread, I stated 'Many years ago I dated a Thai woman just like this and it near on drove me crazy.'. You have just described her perfectly. She wasn't just violent, she would turn on a dime and for no apparent reason.. Quite a few times she threatened me with a kitchen knife for an the most trivial of arguments. Her racism is reflected in the O.P.'s wife's behaviour, 'you're a farang, you will never be better than a Thai man'. The constant lying, untidiness and stupid superstitions were also among her 'qualities'. We were together for a bout 18 months and after eventually kicking her out I was finding empty Lao Khao bottles hidden all over the house for ages after and the local mom & pop shop told me that she was buying a bottle each day. She was so good at hiding her alcoholism that I didn't even know that she was drinking some most days. Eventually I had to move house, as she wouldn't stop turning up on the doorstep. As you can see above, I have been there (as quite a few of us have) and I have got the badge. I used to (and still do sometimes) wonder why I was so stupid to be with a woman who was so bigoted against my race. Maybe I didn't see her ugly side until it was too late. However, what really does confuse me is why these women are attracted to the very farangs that they look down and despise.
  4. Find one that respects you And this sums it all up, this basic requirement for any relationship to work is what the OP is missing.
  5. Well said, I have been a manager in a Thai office for just over 21 years and my assistants include my boss' son and niece. I very often give them advice and disagree with them. They are educated enough to know that it is part of what I do and is not personal. At the same time, I also listen to them. I work in a company with over 400 staff and I am the only farang here. I would not be able to 'effectively' do my job if I had to kowtow and grovel to Thai staff, simply because I am a foreigner. Allowing people to walk all over you is not a good way to live your life.
  6. My wife asked me if I believed in Jesus magical stories, walking on water, raised from death, water to wine and so on, and I had to answer her the truth. Sorry, from your post I thought that you meant that your truth was that you were a believer. My bad.
  7. My wife asked me if I believed in Jesus magical stories, walking on water, raised from death, water to wine and so on, and I had to answer her the truth. That does not make all farangs wrong, that makes you wrong for believing in 2,000 year old fairy-tales passed down from uneducated peasants.
  8. spent fuel rods taken outside of Thailand !!!! Surely a local scrap yard would be able to handle this matter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samut_Prakan_radiation_accident
  9. I was going to suggest North Korea. ????
  10. pint of mild Sorry but the thread is about beer. ????
  11. To the OP: This 'quaintness' will never do away. As long as you allow her to treat you like a dog and she views you below Thia men, you will be constantly fighting to get even the plainest and most obviously correct point across. Many years ago I dated a Thai woman just like this and it near on drove me crazy. Your wife believes that you are incompetent because you are a farang and only sees you as as buffalo. Her actions are the very definition of racism. If you want to live a happy life, where you are not having to constantly fight just to get the simplest point across, you really do need to grow a pair and learn how to stand up to your wife's racist nonsense.
  12. after that 30 years By then the regime may have changed, so what doesn't affect them won't bother them.
  13. How thrilling for them. ???? When is their trip to the ping pong shows?
  14. What could possible go wrong?
  15. I'm surprised that the 'fashionable' micro-nap wasn't used in the story.
  16. The eggs have been relocated to a safe area nearby due to concern of damage from weather. Other news: Delegates at the APEC summit were served up a special omelet for breakfast this morning. ????
  17. she was not going thhrough a uturn. very bad translation.
  18. It's called the crumple zone because it's supposed to do exactly what we can see in the photo Agreed, at high speeds. However, this woman claims to have been carrying out a U-turn. Snake or no snake, you would have to be going at a decent speed to roll a car over during a U-turn. If she was carrying out a U-turn at a reasonable speed, there would be no reason to swerve, just brake.
  19. How fast was she going through a U-turn to have to swerve and cause this much damage?
  20. He said that he squeezed her throat until she was unconscious The husband is being charged with causing grievous bodily harm Why not attempted murder?
  21. My friend went to Pattaya and got crabs.
  22. You don't have a date on the bottom center?
  23. She should have pressed the cruise control button. ????
  24. They must be strong drugs, they have made the pictures appear blurry to me. ???? I might have to do a Google picture search, so I can see what yellow pills look like when they are not blurry.
  25. They should ban criminalize this evil anti-social drug.
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