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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Pull back quickly, he's starting to join the dots.
  2. Picture the scene as BMT sparks up while in a hospital ward: Nurse: "Mr. BMT, put that out". BMT: "Its medicinal, it's like my medicine, dude". Nurse: "Yes Mr. BMT, but you're only visiting".
  3. Must be a local trend. We preferred candy & ice cream for our munchies fix. ????
  4. OK, I have checked through earlier posts and confirm that I do indeed owe you an apology. The post in question was made by another poster with the same views on Cannabis as yourself, which led to my confusion. However, no excuses, I was wrong. I am sorry.
  5. and you have no idea on how to read? Did you not try to read my earlier post which tells you where I'm from? Is it too difficult for you to understand? Do you honestly believe that you could hang around places like Winson Green, Aston, Handsworth, etc. and make fun of the way that black people talk without repercussions? Bless your misunderstanding of racism.. Bless your childlike nativity.
  6. Yes you would. As usual, you are making assumptions based on your beliefs and not facts. I'm from Birmingham's inner city area, I spent my early years living in Winson Green,try making your cowardly racist comment there and see what happens.
  7. Sorry but you wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the face. Previously you made a post in which you 'invented' symptoms of 3 boys that you determined were stoned. You did your best to back-track but you were called out and your lie was shown. You obviously do not like that people are allowed to use cannabis and it is also obvious that you know nothing about cannabis nor its effects. You should really do some research instead of spouting trash. You are starting to look a fool, which is probably why your posts are only getting 'confused' or 'sad' emoticons, everyone on here can see that you do not have anything of value to add to any discussion on weed. Why don't you stick to something you really do know about. I'm sure we would like to know what bleach you need to clean the toilets, or which air freshener works for longer.
  8. Hi BMT, I remember your post and in fact I agreed with you, it was not trimmed very well at all. However, as I mentioned was the smoke was surprisingly ok. The posters that I am referring to were the ones who decided to troll the thread by posting pictures of premium 'high priced' bud, while slagging off cheaper alternatives, despite the thread being about cheap weed. For some reason, these trolls got very upset/angry that other people would try cheaper weed and tried to disrupt the thread. It would appear that some people are just plain rude.
  9. According to the posters who have not tried Greenlab's cannabis, it is rubbish and they wouldn't smoke it. According to the posters who have tried Greenlab's cannabis, it is actually ok and much better than brickweed. Obviously, those who have never tried/tested it should know better, shouldn't they? ???? .
  10. Where I come from, you would get filled in and called a racist. Just calling it as it is.
  11. Pass the spliff, mon. Are you pretending to be black? Don't worry, we won't think bad about you, after all, I presume that some of your best friends say 'mon'.
  12. Yes, that cheep nasty stuff that 'deeply' upset few posters because they didn't like the pictures, works quite well, doesn't it. ????
  13. Recovering on the 13th.... ????
  14. What a clever and well thought out post by someone who has bothered to do some unbiased research [sarcasm alert #1] Quite possibly the most popular poster on this forum [sarcasm alert #2] Seems to know what he is talking about and doesn't just spew out tripe to match what he believes rather than the truth [sarcasm alert #3]
  15. Back home I would go to the magazine racks in supermarkets and shake out all the loose post-card size advertising inserts. No worries about shoplifting.. nobody else wants those things.. Class act. ???? Mommy would be proud.
  16. Did they send you the tracking number?
  17. farmer pays 3.9 million baht dowry - for a BUFFALO Bloody Welsh get everywhere.
  18. My cannabis comes under fire on a regular basis.
  19. I'm not about to start drinking tea just to feed my drug habit.
  20. The whole thing is in line with my wife's back-seat driving. "Watch that motorbike darling", as if I would have tried to ram it if she wasn't there to remind me. Do we really need to be constantly micro-managed throughout the whole cannabis decriminalization or can we just let common sense take over? If it's a place/office where you would not drink alcohol, don't light up a joint. Simples.
  21. Aaah ok, so no courts, no schools, no police stations and no government offices. Has anyone mentioned hospitals or are we still allowed to skin up in surgery.
  22. They are also available as 'plain roaches, if you prefer a traditional joint, rather than a cone.
  23. If I don't have any pre-made cones, I use a Raw cone tip. Cheap as chips and no messing about.
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