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Posts posted by alacrity

  1. 6 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    Try the Ferrari F430... paddle shift combined with a hand clutch. In town your arms could end up twisted like a pretzel. Why didn't they make a manual version?

    Another popular family car for everyday use.

    Answer: Because they don't trust the driver. Ability to drive such an engineering marvel is mostly disparate to driving ability. Particularly on public roads. Money can't compensate for inadequacy. Especially when driven at warp speed.

  2. 2 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    The main reason they don't make autos here is because they can't freakin' drive! I like my manual sports car as I would rather drive the car than have it drive me. Plus the manual will accept modifications and more power.


    With sentence 1 because they do. They don't make their own cars because they're just not smart enough. The correct term is assemble. They assemble many marques. Quality unknown.

    Sentence 2 is dependent on how good a driver you are. Most of us are average.

    Sentence 3 is a  duplicity of modern autos also.

  3. 22 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Another thread, another opportunity for those TV "I have been in property for decades"experts to deny the facts.

    So what are the facts?

    Personally I have found that empirical data trumps all.

    There's risk and there's outright gambling.

    At the moment real estate in many countries is an addicts investment.

    Hail Mary's do come in. Occasionally.

    Higher ability and mature understanding lessens your need for rash decisions.

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  4. 14 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    All commission rates are 100% negotiable. Many agencies will try and make you think that there is a fixed rate but it isnt true. Quoted rates are usually around 3-5%.


    But it is quite common here for a vendor to say "I want 3MB for my condo" and then for the agency to list it at, say, 3.5MB or 4MB for no valid reason.

    The valid reason could well be that the agent is over-valuing your property in order to make other properties more attractive. Failing to maintain your property could well indicate this but I'm assuming if you're aware of this you must be here. Don't be reliant on hearsay.

    Western styled codes mean nothing here.

    Unless you're committed to the agent being a sole proprietor of any transaction, add more agents to your portfolio but check referrals first. You may be recommitting to the same agent many times.

    If you're resident try the Thai networks. Over the past two years we've easily sold some properties that we wanted to realize. Which was always our objective.

  5. On 5/13/2019 at 10:12 AM, SoilSpoil said:

    I dont know where your 'back home' is, but my home country is spic and span. Litter, fly tip, or burn garbage can lead to hefty fines.

    When we lived in Great Britain my mother in-law visited. On an excursion to Oxford we drove on the A1 from Bedford. She opined that she would love to live in the area. When questioned, her reply was because of all the plastic littering the sides of the highway. A wonderful place for those that want to make a living from recycling.

    Admittedly it was March at the time.

    Pollution from many media is a worldwide problem which has to be addressed. The repercussions of uncontrolled expanse of plastic use weren't effectively addressed. Leaving the problem for future generations whilst making a fine profit. I'm of an age that I remember the initial selling point of plastics was to save the trees and the environment.

    Sound familiar?

  6. On 5/10/2019 at 2:58 PM, Vacuum said:

    Nothing really. This has been going on since they  started to use plastic in Thailand.

    Not just in Thailand. But perhaps it's a resultant of more recently changing from natural bio-degradable packaging.

    1st world countries have had more time to obscure their pollution from public view. It's still there though. Reducing plastic waste needs to be addressed by the producers of plastic packaging. Not the end user who has limited choice as a consumer.

    Most of my plastic waste comes from vendor packaging not plastic straws and bags from 7-11.

    • Thanks 2
  7. 22 hours ago, OneEyedPie said:

    That's my feeling.  I think the OP will be happy there and convalesce peacefully.   


    22 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    Facilities for the unwell are called hospitals. Convalescence is different deal altogether.







    Usually a term used by people with more money than sense.

    And relapses can occur. Also it's not just about hospitals. The term facilities includes convenience and ease of access in the area chosen.

    Neither of us know the limitations imposed by the need to convalesce. The OP never stated those and as such they should be allowed to determine from suggestions made what best suits them. Not a third party.

  8. 21 minutes ago, faraday said:

    I think that some people on this thread, don't actually have a car. Just want to pretend they do.



    Google can be every-ones friend. Doesn't make every-one strategically aware though. 

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