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Date Masamune

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Posts posted by Date Masamune

  1. 47 minutes ago, milwaukeeboy said:

    "My friend" goes with the Elite Visa because he is American and cannot stand that the IRS forces him to file the FBAR every year which requires him to report all balances in foreign bank accounts. Even though 800K isn't a lot to him, he cannot stand the intrusiveness of what he considers to be a globalist police state.

    Your friend sounds very confused. Where does he keep his money then an American bank or brokerage that reports income and balance automatically?


  2. 17 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    The LA Consul is correct, but what happens at a Bangkok airport is outside the laws and rules which the Consul is likely relying upon to inform their statement.  TAT has given similar responses.  They cannot exactly admit / qualify their statement of fact with the caveat, "But, the capital-city airport immigration don't necessarily follow the law, so better to fly to Penang and take a train in."

    If over 50, an OA Visa from the LA Consulate is a good way to deal with the problem.  You won't even need to bother with a re-entry permit until the 2nd year of use, since the Visa is Multiple-Entry until it expires, and the expiration-date is one year after issuance.

    So how do I get to Penang from Incheon, or San Francisco or Osaka, then waste my days off to get on some series of overheated mini-vans and slow trains?

    Perhaps I  should ride to Chiang Mai on the back of an Elephant? No I'd just as soon take my toys and find another sandbox.

  3. 20 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    In that case, you have already been identified as a foreigner who "sticks around too long" as a Tourist.  I would guess you spent more than 60-days/yr here in the past.   There is no legal limit or definition of what "too long" is, but some IOs pretend such exists - or make up some number to suit on the spot. 


    Due to past longer-stays, which IOs at some entry points (both Bangkok airports) find personally offensive, and their ability to act with impunity, I would enter only with a valid Tourist Visa from this time forward.  Always carry 20K Baht worth of cash or travelers checks, also (this is a real rule).

    Personally, I would also never enter by air again - sticking to land-borders, where the actual laws are followed (every land-border except Poipet/Aranyaprathet).  At bad entry points, they have denied-entry to others for "not having money" - who had plenty.  But, as they say here, "Up to you."

    No I don't meet that profile Im not about to start faffing around with tourist visas to stay in Thailand 10 days. LA consul says short stay Americans don't need a visa

    Land borders are not an option. No time this next trip but looking at either elite status or O-A Visa and reentry permit. 

  4. Barking dogs bit.  I have been bitten twice by barking dogs.  Just a few days ago cycling slowly with my friend down a main road, passed a gate behind which were several large barking dogs, one jumped the tall wall as I passed and lunged at my bike and bit my behind.... I was lucky not to get more than a scratch because I had my bag on that side and my tablet phone cushioned most of the impact.  That dog was barking then.... I was going so slowly I had time to give it a hard kick in the teeth.


    That dog in the video is not brave.  Its acting stupid, aggressively and has no idea about its size or the danger the bears might pose.... its very dumb and aggressive.  


    And what idiot owners allowing the dog to be left alone outside with such dangers unsupervised.  


    You were bit by a Dog in Thailand you must assume that dog is rabid and get treatment or else you are facing the certainty you will die.

    Recently a woman who was bitten by a puppy in India died in the US about 7 months later. It might not happen right away.

  5. It will never happen because of economics Thailand is an backwater nobody wants to fly there except on very cheap tickets. The US airlines pulled out of BKK years ago. I don’t think Thai Airways even serves North America anymore. On the other hand there are two daily nonstop flights on UA to Singapore. A leisure destination for budget travelers, non concern of businessmen on the proposed supersonic jet


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