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Date Masamune

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Posts posted by Date Masamune

  1. The situation is pretty clear, the westeners presence here is old fashion and not welcome. The country has already showed his preference on chinese tourists, for the simple reason that no one of them want live in Thailand...just come for short time, spend money and go...making less problems than westeners dreams to come in Thailand, pretending to live here in westener way at asian prices. Life is easy, it's problematic visit or stay longer in Thailand? Just skip to another country, world is big enough 

    This is not true on Chiang Mai they are flogging off condos like crazy to Chinese. Do they tell the Chinese ten years later you will not be let in the country like me for coming too many times? Doubt it. China is the new economic master, and they will do a rorting on Thailand much worse than the west ever could. Thais have a deep inferiority complex in regards to Farangs for obvious reason. Chinese can still be looked down upon as most are comparitevely backward and uncouth. Spitting in the street and shouting noise

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  2. Actually I have dealt with Civil Aviation offices all over the world as I was a DER ( Designated Engineering Representative) that had approval electrical installation sign off for installation of various electrical retrofitted systems including flight test.  I would have to say that most of the foreign agencies follow the UK CAA rules and many are manned by retired CAA employees evident by the Pith Helmet and Safari Jacket hanging on the clothes rack when in their office!

    UK rules and not EASa or FAA? No wonder the breixit is such a good idea the Brits taught the birds to fly don t tell the aussies though!


    So why don’t People go to Chiang Mai International aerodrome to get on an ATR aeroplane with airscrews and alighting gear for touchdown?




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  3. Thailand grounded it also.  https://thethaiger.com/news/world/update-thailand-grounds-thai-lion-air-boeing-737-max-fleet

    Many countries follow FAA or European air  directives not because "money comes first" but they don't have the huge regulatory infrastructure of the US or Europe it allows them to participate in international alliances like SkyTeam and more easily keep up with international safety standards and requirements. If you look these countries aviation law book sections you will see they are directly translated from FAA. etc.






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  4. I'm not overly joyed by the events in Ethiopia nor Indonesia , however there are two switches above the captains head that isolate this stall safe computer , now two things come to mind, was the plane in such a state that the captain couldn't reach those switches or as in other cases,  you never turn off switches unless instructed.  

    This isn’t true. There no switches above the captains head related to this system why would you post something you just made up off the top of YOUR head? Maybe you heard it from another person who does not know what they are talking about?

    Link to the document below. At the bottom there is a clear picture of “the switches“ located below the engine power levers. Pilots are trained to turn these switches OFF in case of such flight control problems.


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  5. A technical article about the MCAS Boeing flight control agumentation system suspect as faulty.

    Pilots are trained to immediately turn the main and backup trim switches OFF and then fly manually without autopilot for the remainder of the flight as a result to certain conditions listed or this MCAS can nose down the 737 MAX 8 into the ground. In Ethiopia the co-pilot had 200 hours total experience reported. I have more than 200 hours experience picking my nose. The plane is probably safe if you have experienced grayhair ex-military pilots and well seasoned sharp copilots but having such a built in hazard may be a big problem for Boeing going forward. 



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  6. 7 hours ago, gentlemanjackdarby said:

    OK, first thing to do is not panic.


    Who is you U.S. brokerage?


    The only major broker of which I'm aware that won't make international wire transfers for U.S. residents is Charles Schwab and since you maintain a U.S. residence, it's unlikely you would be able (or want) to set up a Charles Schwab International account, which does make international wire transfers


    You might consider switching (moving) your brokerage account to a broker that makes international wire transfers - Fidelity is often mentioned as a good choice with low wire fees


    You might also consider setting up a bank account with a bank or credit union that is used to dealing with folks serving or living overseas, such as USAA or Navy Federal Credit Union (if you're a U.S. vet or a family member of a vet) or a another federal credit union if you lack a service connection - I'd start with State Department FCU or Andrews FCU (those FCUs have relatively flexible ways to join)


    You have a U.S. passport, which is the best form of identification; next you need to prove legal domicile and residence


    Some states allow one to file a statement of legal domicile with the county recorder or the equivalent, which would prove legal domicile and **might** be acceptable to a financial institution to also prove residence


    One possible way to prove residence, if you don't own a home or have utilities in you name and might be for example, using a relative's address for residence, is to have a statement drawn up by that relative stating, in essence, that their address is your legal domicile and residence and have it notarized. In some states, that is acceptable for proving residence

    I have made international transfers out of the brokerage aside so confused about what you posted concerning Schwab. For 12 plus years I did not have a US address and had the Schwab International account and Schwab Bank Account. (From last fall I do now have a US address, but off topic.) I WAS able to make international transfers, however not from Schwab Bank. The money had to originate from the Brokerage side, and requires a phone call for each transfer.As I always understood Schwab Bank will not send money overseas only receive it.


    I also have the BKK bank ACH thing ending this April so concerned also.

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  7. A professor “Pim” who already had a 10 year US tourist visa married an American and went over there. They split up up pretty quicky because of his infidelity and she married another guy over there. Pim wrote some intro letter for “Noi” for a tourist visa and they asked me to write one too! So Noi gets to the consulate and they told her basically your devious girlfriend ran off from her husband and you expect us to believe you? They showed her the door took her two more tries to to get the visa better she had applied on her own merits alone she would have been better off imho.


  8. I'm not interested in conspiracy theories, biased opinions and whataboutery.
    I know about the corruption within immigration and the police, how it works, and call it when I see it. However, I do not see corruption, specifically, when long term tourists are denied entry because they've spent years/months in the country, which in the written words of immigration is "considered from the tourism point of view to be longer than necessary and not in line with the purpose permitted while entering country." As long as the denial is made in accordance with immigration laws, which in the case of the OP it was, then there is nothing to complain about.

    If you had followed immigration policy since 2006 you would have seen all the ways the Thai authorities have used to put a stop to visa runs, push visa runners to get Tourist Visas and then clamp down on the availability and use of TR's.
    The same people that are now telling long term tourists to use land borders because of the hassles at the airport were, a few years ago, telling them to use the airports because of the hassles at land borders. What is happening at the airports is partly due to the change in MO of the long term tourist, and it is evidently under orders and lawful regardless of the nonsense spouted by you and others.
    Just because corruption exists does not mean everything immigration do is corrupt. And as I've pointed out; financial gain is the aim of corruption, and the best you can come up with is a possible share of the detention fee!
    Denying entry is no small event. It has to be signed off by the senior officer on duty and the airline have to be involved, and I'm pretty sure the fees collected for detention are accountable; so unless the whole of BKK/DMK immigration are 'in on it' your theory is weak at best. If they were not formally processing the denied entry and charging the alien a fee I could see how they maybe could pocket the fees. 
    IO's are mostly just giving warnings about staying too long, and consulates are increasingly stamping passports saying the applicant has visited too much as a tourist; yet when immigration actually deny entry you/others bitch about corruption and unlawful enforcement. In case you missed the messages: the Thai authorities (not individual IO's) are clamping down harder on the use of VE/TR's to stay long term as a tourist.
    The alternative to IO's having discretionary powers (rarely used) would be for the Thai authorities to set strict limits. Again.... why would anyone want that when it screws things up for all 'long term tourism' and doesn't help guys like the OP one little bit? The current situation is far from ideal but it's better than the alternative, which IMO would be a maximum of 6 months per year.
    As things stand; a long term tourist needs to accept every entry could be their last and plan accordingly. Simply as that.

    Not sure if we agree but I think the best thing would be to set a strict 180 day/year limit for “tourism”, like most rational countries do and let people who are allowed visa exempts to use them as they are intended. Multiple entries. To facilitate tourism and international commerce.

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  9. Why ? One Phuket liking guy told me sun sand seafood and snatch not necessarily in that order he explained his method for Thai success is he does not drive and refuses to study Thai.  When I suggested my opinion the country is more interesting if you understand the culture and language he told me he pays "no attention anymore" as it is better to ignore and "anybody worth talking to speaks English". What a negative attitude!

  10. Why ? I have had few to no real problems, don't go looking for them. Long ago I used to go out to late night bars and Rave parties the only time I ever got hassled was foreign trash who seem to enjoy picking fights, sport for them. Never seen Thais fighting except for girls outside of Nimmanhemin Road pubs in Chiang Mai.


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