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Geir Rasch

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Everything posted by Geir Rasch

  1. I didn’t say that, what I say is that they are more trustworthy than unofficial media. Owners of msm are in most cases official, so it is easy to find their interest in cases so we know where to be critical.
  2. In some Scandinavian countries alcohol, exept beer, can only be bought in state-own shops, and that has been a success in all aspects. •You must be over a certain age to buy there. •The staff are professional with great knowledge about their products. •You can trust there will never be a fake product there with additional health risks. •The government decides where to establish new shops If they make pot leagal, they could du the same thing with pot. The best way to have a controlled consumption to the benefit for all.
  3. Well, that should be a safe way of being victim of conspiracy: Stop reading MSM and start reading some questionable you tube channels. MSM are made of group of people with fact check, those you tube channels are 1 person and no fact check.
  4. We all know that alcohol and tobacco are unhealthy drugs, but cannot see why two unhealthy drugs should be an argument to introduce another unhealthy drug.
  5. The case is about one bad father. There is no need to include his religion in the case. The problem is not the religion as a religion, but this person abuse of both son and religion. Such bad people you wil find in any religion. No need for islam-haters to react on this.
  6. I think no etnic swede is named Francesco.
  7. The problem is not that the population scrinks, but that the aging part of the population grows. Then a bigger part of the population must be taken care of by the scrinking part of the population. To achieve that you need economic growth.
  8. You are right: we just have to accept the outcome, we do not have a say in it. But that does not exclude me from having an opinion. If it goes to far to the right we have the option to leave the country, but for most thai that is not an option, and for them it is a tragedy.
  9. So you prefer pest for colera? I want neither!
  10. I know many thais that used to be Taksin followers, but now despice him! The way he broke all election promises the party gave just to save his own ass, is not welcomed by many. This show for everyone what kind of selfish person he really is. He does not care a bit for thai people and never has. I hope the next election will prove his downfall.
  11. What she ask for is a welfare state. To get that thai people must stop giving vote to those in power now and wote for the only parti that want to change Thailand to a welfare state, but hurry! The elite does all they can to stop parties that represent changes. The world is waiting for you!
  12. If Hamas is a terror organization, and I tend to agree on that, then what Israel is doing now i also a terror action. Can’t say Israel is a terror organization, but the PM and his government certainly are.
  13. I wonder is it legal when thais sending up firework and fire rackere at funerals? Is it legal when thais play load music at night? Asking because I never see any actions from the police at such occations. May be this is a law only for foreigners (read farangs)? This we can call anutin-mania among thais.
  14. Normally I understand the need for protection, but when it comes til thai fish, which is an inferior product, Thailand need salmon and cod from EFTA. May be not for the economic, but for the sake of health!
  15. You are right: discrimination and xenophobia exist all over the world, but that does not mean it is ok. I find it disgusting.
  16. I think it is thai country songs. Very common in isan.
  17. And no thai take to the street like they did in Phuket against the Swiss man. Another proof of thai racism. Deport unpleasant foreigner, but do nothing to stop thai from killing thais and foreigners in traffic.
  18. I would like that all people, national or non-national, be treated the same. Every thing else is racism.
  19. If he was a thai this would never reach the media. But a farang: kill, kill!
  20. How about self employd people. How can they control that their tax report are correct? It should be a problem that many million thai never pay income tax.
  21. We saw what happened to the Red Bull heir. I think that tell us all about that kind of people. Sure they can act nice, but I think they see them self as above the law.
  22. In a capitalist world money has always been the definition of upper class. If you are rich then no questions asked.
  23. If Ukraine already was a NATO-member this war might never have happen.
  24. You are a funny person. Here we have a discussion about tax, and from that you feel competent to analyse my personality!! Well, I think there is a word that describe such people. Have you heard about the Dunning-Kruger effect? You said earlier that you did know that Thailand did not tax your pension, but now they have changed the laws. This tells me you are ignorant about tax laws in Thailand. If you ever har read information from Thai Revenue dept, you would know that if you are thai resident (lived here 180 days or more within a tax year) you are obliged to pay tax to Thailand for the pension you bring in to Thailand. That was the law when you first came here, and it still is the law. Nothing new about that! Every year they make a document in English that describe every post in the tax document ( ภ.ง.ด.91) to declare your taxable income. Another thing is how hard thai revenue dept work to get those tax money. We know that many thai pensioners do not pay tax to Thailand. Many of them because their pension are to low, but others are simply not followed up by the revenue dept. That is the reason for not following up on expat either. I once ask people at revenue dept why they did not follow up on us expat. The answer was that since they don't do that with thai pensioners, they could not be stricter with expats. So there is nothing new about laws that concerns our tax liability, the only thing new is a possible stricter practice.
  25. This subject I have written quite some lines about. If you had read any of those you would not ask me what I think a double tax avoidance agreement between governments means :).
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