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Thomas J

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Posts posted by Thomas J

  1. On 10/21/2019 at 9:11 AM, lelapin said:

    I live in a 60 house gated  village in Pattaya. Midway through the financial year 3 homeowners have not yet paid their annual maintenance fee. What action do other villages take to try to obtain these charges. 2 of the houses are actually rented out.

    Do you have a "legal entity" formed for the village?  What do the by-laws of the village agreement say about non-payment.  Has the village been providing a monthly or quarterly recap of who has paid and income and expenses for the villa? 

  2. 20 hours ago, pmh2009 said:

    Do you really need a biometric system to check how many overstayers are in the country???  A simple check of the  data compilation from all entry points would have found that!!! 

    It would seem that your passport stamps would show if you have a visa to be in the country for the length of time.  Why stamp a passport at all if the biometric system is checking entry and exit dates? 

  3. OutofAfrica, 


    I can't tell you about getting your eyes examined but I can tell you mail order from either Zenni or Eyebuydirect is far cheaper than buying in Thailand.  I got titanium rims, with 1.61 progressive lenses, scratch coating, anti glare coating, and shipping for $96.00 USA to Thailand.  I have "read" that lenses manufactured  in Thailand do not have good quality control.  Zenni uses a Mitsubishi Resin product and a lab in China for its lenses.  Eye Buy direct also uses the same resin but uses Essilor in the USA for its lenses and they are more expensive but still far cheaper than Thailand. 

    • Like 1
  4. It is no wonder that USA has copied British Common Law.  Neither government is functional.  The people voted for Brexit but the elected officials are fighting the will of the people tooth and nail.  Three and one half years later and still no progress.  In USA most people favor legal immigration, secure the border, stop welfare benefits for those here illegally but the lawmakers steadfastly balk at any progress for decades.  DYSFUNCTIONAL 

    • Confused 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, sfokevin said:

    One The Congress gets to decide what a crime is not the Justice Dept...



    Now that is the most stupid thing I have ever heard.  If Congress had the right to decide what Trump's crime was they would say it was  being born.  If you recall it was the FBI not Congress that gave Hillary a pass on her destruction of evidence even though the emails and devices were part of a congressional Subpoena.  The Justice Department not Congress is the one to make the determination if there is probably evidence that a crime has been committed and if it is determined that there was to initiated prosecution.  Congress can only "impeach"  They are accusing Trump of an "abuse" of power even though the Democrats in Congress were far far far more explicit in their extortion of Ukraine to investigate Trump. This is a totally fabricated charge designed only to keep it in the News Media. 

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    • Sad 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Opl said:

    let's both hope Trump's efforts will bring Europe together!  

    OPL, well if Europe is invaded perhaps you can just call on France.  They were so instrumental in both WWI and WWII.  In the case of the Kurds perhaps you can just get the leaders of Europe to send transports to bring them all to Europe since it seems to be intent on cultural suicide and turning itself into an Islamic state. Why launch a Jihad to form a Caliphate when the Europeans are willing to give them that and pay them welfare benefits to boot. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Opl said:

    I understand and agree.

    ISIS has no territory for it's first an ideology. So don't expect to be out of reach in the future.  

    And if I may, Russia has proven it does not need to invade your territory to expand it's influence, other ways are cheaper.

    Trump is feeding them.


    LOL You must be a Hillary fan.  You are like all anti-Trumpers.  If he stayed in Syria he would be a war monger, if he leaves he is a coward abandoning the Kurds.  Perhaps the USA should end its support of sending LPG and Natural gas to Europe and let it support itself on supplies from Russia and see how that works out.  I for one, and sick of the European ingrates who spend virtually nothing to protect their economic interest but expect the USA to be their mercenaries protecting their oil supplies, and defense.  I see no other countries spending billions of dollars and sacrificing its young to protect the vital interests of their own country let alone support the USA.  Even countries like Germany, and Canada are nothing more than jealous cousins who rely on the USA but have no problem being Brutas and stabbing the USA in the back each chance they get.  It is a good thing for Europe that I am not in charge of the USA for I would say its time for them to grow up and pay for their own defense. 

    As for who was in Russia's pocket one only need to be reminded of Obama telling Medvedev to convey to Putin he would have "more flexibility" after being re-elected.


    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Opl said:

    But it's OK to have US troops to defend Saudi Arabia, go figure what the vétérans think of that reversal,  

    OPL, I would not have USA troops in Saudi Arabia either.  As stated, the USA is energy independent and though it may be an inconvenience it is time for those regions who are far more dependent on Middle Eastern oil to step up and send troops and not their mouths about what the USA should or should not do.  I have said it before, when your country starts bringing home its young men and women in body bags, you have skin in the game.  Until then, you are just a group of complainers that expects the USA to be your bodyguards and the policeman of the world.  It is easy to sit on the sideline and expect the USA to protect the world from evil.  Perhaps if Russia was to invade Europe and the USA would sit on its hands like Europe is doing in the Middle East you would view things differently. As stated, the Middle East is a hell hole.  It will be "contained" only so long as the USA has troops there.  Once we leave it will revert back to to the squalor and misery it was and I for one have no desire to have my grandchildren or great grand children stationed there 75 years from now so that we can "protect them".  Their country, their problems. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, Opl said:

    Europeans have to cope with the consequences for the defense of US Economic interests.

    OPL  LOL.  Oh were the consequences of the USA Economic Interest the reason that the majority of the world does not speak German today?  Or do you forget about WWI and WWII.  In terms of the Middle East as stated, the oil in the Middle East is far far far more important to the rest of the world than it is to the USA.  The USA now is a net oil exporter and if necessary could support itself.  Of course Europe would be SOL but perhaps the USA should not care about that either.  Again if Europe thinks it is so important to protect the Kurds no one is stopping them from sending troops and losing the lives of its young citizens for a region that once you depart will degrade back into the hell hole it was before you arrived.  The USA should have never been in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Syria but we were.  So stop blaming Trump for trying to end the ludicrous nature of the USA trying to control a region of the world that it can not.  I for one am sick of the pictures such as attached.  Perhaps if you get off your sanctimonious pedestal send some troops and have your young citizens come back like this, you will feel the same.  Time to end it. 



    images (1).jpg

    images (2).jpg

  10. 2 minutes ago, Opl said:

    OPL That is apples to oranges.  It is the ultimate in hypocrisy for Europe to sell arms to Turkey and then chastise the USA for not sending troops to defend against them.  If you and your sanctimonious Europeans care THEN SEND TROOPS.  Don't say to the USA "WE THINK" it is right for you to spill your soldiers blood and spend billions while we sit on our hands and merely criticize you from a safe distance. WWII ended almost 3/4 of a century ago, and the USA still has over 40,000 troops and 36 military bases in Germany.  HOW LONG DOES SOMEONE STAY before saying, we should not have been there in the first place and get out. 

    • Sad 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Do you believe that the USA has not been selling arms to Turkey?

    As always with FMS notifications, a few large sales can drive the overall total. Sixteen of the 63 sales requests topped $1 billion, led by Taiwan’s F-16 request ($8 billion), Poland’s F-35 request ($6.5 billion), Morocco’s F-16s ($3.79 billion), the U.K’s procurement of Chinook helicopters ($3.5 billion), Turkey’s Patriot request ($3.5 billion) and Japan’s largest SM-3 request ($3.3 billion).




    Yes the USA has sold arms to Turkey?  What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?  Turkey was a major ally.  Again, if Europe is so sanctimonious on guarding the Kurds, no one is stopping them from sending in troops to protect them.  It is hypocritical for them to sell arms to Turkey, then chastise the USA for pulling out of the region.  Again, HOW LONG SHOULD THE USA PROTECT THE KURDS.  WWII ended in 1945 and the USA is still picking up the tab to have 36 military bases with over 40,000 troops in Germany.  Eventually you have to say, not my monkey, not my circus and leave. It has already cost the USA an estimated $275 Billion.  Easy for other countries to say, there is a bully in Turkey, we won't lend a hand but USA go in spend your money and sacrifice your citizens.  

    USA Cost.JPG

  12. OPL,

    Germany and France were exporting weapons to Turkey.  You mean the fact that they have discontinued it somehow negates the weapons already in Turkish possession.  Where are those EUROPEAN troops guarding the Kurds.  As for the U.N. yes I incorrectly said the U.N. when I meant NATO which is guarding Europe.  The USA is shouldering over 70% of NATO which essentially is a shield for Europe not the USA.  Most of the countries do not pay their share and what they do pay is paltry.  Look at Germany and France.  1518184385_Nato3.JPG.499391b17d2178c164104234a7064981.JPG2089845698_Nato2.JPG.12ba7ab9a7dbd2cc9f3a7ed4591e93b9.JPG1870152364_NatoBudget.JPG.3767b5268519cc68ce3e70220bc65c95.JPG

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