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Everything posted by Kaopad999

  1. Correct. A "restaurant in Thailand," not a "Thai restaurant."
  2. Same BS, different year.. Glad i moved away from the north when i did. Beautiful part of the country, but the smog up there during the burning season is absolutely horrendous.
  3. the nuances of subdivision/subsidiary business laws are irrelevant as far as i'm concerned.. KFC is an American restaurant with it's roots in Thailand, both historically and presently. That's why it's categorized under the term 'American fast-food restaurants.
  4. Sorry, that's actually KFC, not a "Thai restaurant"
  5. Move Forward Party AKA The Woke Warriors.
  6. Because buying a brand-new car is not exactly cheap, and buying a secondhand one can often be full of nasty surprises in Thailand. Rolled-back odometers, flooded cars, and no way of being able to check the car's history. Many of us need to reserve money for yearly visa costs and medical insurance. Not everyone has that amount of money to burn. I really think you should adjust your attitude a bit.
  7. Bunch of council estate Chavs on a plane. What could possibly go wrong? 🙄 Chavs should never be allowed to even step foot on a plane...
  8. no wonder, just look at the current state of the country....
  9. Not true at all. He's chnaged for the better and in a much better place than what he once was.
  10. I think many of us know why, but we're now allowed to say here...
  11. Doubt he has a big bike licnce when he's managing to crash a 125cc moped.
  12. I'd consider letting Eliran Alias stab me for 100,000 Euros, under the condition that a vacationing Canadian doctor is present to provide immediate and vital first aid
  13. Ha ha, I totally get it! I just couldn't help but imagine this overzealous American in the elevator, attempting to break the icy silence with a stone-faced Russian family. – the clash of cultures in a confined space! No offense to Americans BTW, just couldn't resist the mental chuckle it gave me 😂
  14. how much did you pay for the haircut?
  15. Are you American by any chnace? could explain why.. lol
  16. Hardly Breaking News. This was was already reported 3 days ago.
  17. If in doubt, stay away. No grown man should be messing about with a girl young enough to be their daughters. It's really that simple.
  18. becasue many girls are very scared to speak up until they good to a cerain age. this is very common.
  19. Not another peado. God, there must be tons of them here.. 😞
  20. No surprise really.. There are probably thousands of sexual offenders and pedos hanging out in countries like Thailand. Immigration authorities should urgently conduct more thorough background checks on individuals. Statistically, many sexual offenders reoffend, so implementing comprehensive police checks is imperative. This proactive approach could reveal a significant number of offenders from their respective countries
  21. i wonder if he had a work permit
  22. Exactly my experience living in Chiang Mai as well. Thankfully i also left after a couple of years due to the terrible air quality. What baffles me is the number of foreigners living there who claim it's not that bad.
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